A look back
By Staff
Currently, gambling in the form of a lottery is coming to rival alcoholic beverage sales as possibly the most perennially sensitive political issue.
1918-June 20, The political cauldron in Morgan County is beginning to see the as interest in each new candidate takes active form. To date all who have announced for the Legislature favor the national prohibition amendment.
1981-June 21, Elliotte Peck died. In addition to being Hartselle's most prominent funeral director for many years, Mr. Peck was a servant of the community in other ways as well. Back in the 1930s he was one of the leaders in the effort to preserve prohibition when sentiment for repeal was growing stronger.
1906-June 22, Rev. S. E. Watson and Col. Samuel Blackwell plan to appear before the Morgan County Democratic executive committee tomorrow to present petitions asking this group to put a referendum on the ballot to keep alcoholic beverage sales out of Decatur and New Decatur.
1919-June 23, Mountain dew is still flowing quite freely in the mountain districts of this area. Three copper stills were taken this week by the authorities and about 500 gallons of beer were poured out south of here.
1907-June 24, The various churches of Morgan County have started petitions asking the Legislature to pass Representative Sherrod's anti-jug bill This bill would forbid the shipment of alcoholic liquors into a prohibition county from a wet county.
1906-June 25, The Anti-Saloon League is becoming increasingly active in North Alabama. Political candidates who go against its positions do so at their own peril.
(Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart. He may be contacted at