A look back
By Staff
It is always good to give thanks but this is the time to be especially grateful for many blessings received.
1938-November 28, The many Thanksgiving candy assortments sold to Hartselle young men this year by Peoples Drugs made this a sweet Thanksgiving for many girls.
1887-November 29, The preaching done by Baptist Evangelist W. B. Carter at this place back in September is continuing to reap a harvest of good. The Hartsell church is only one of many that Brother Carter, assisted by the Holy Spirit, has led in the path to glory and to God.
1905-November 30, Today is Thanksgiving by proclamation of Governor William Dorsey Jelks. The day is set aside for a general Thanksgiving for the reason that "the giver of all good things has abundantly blessed us during the past year with bountiful harvests, with freedom from epidemics, with a quickened public conscience, and with the greater blessing of peace throughout our borders."
1943-December 1, The Hartselle airfield is being put to good use. This facility was developed thanks to the efforts of several young men, most notably Luther Roberts, Jack Stone, and Hubert Mitchell.
1932-December 2, One week of classes has now been completed at Auburn following a longer than normal Thanksgiving break. Most students who had suffered from influenza have shown a marked improvement and for that fact everyone is thankful.
1933-December 3, It is uncertain whether Morgan County schools will be able to reopen after the Christmas holidays since there will then be no money with which to pay teachers' salaries. (Federal funds were provided in February so that students could go back to classes.)
1926-December 4, Friends of Elisha A. Hoffman, the co-author of the Hartselle hymn, "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms," report that his health is not good at the present time. Nevertheless, Brother Hoffman thanks God for "lengthening my days unto the present for life has been a great joy to me."
(Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart)