A look back
By Staff
1939-December 19, Little Charles Quinn will be able to enjoy Christmas now that he is fully recovered from an attack of the mumps.
1945-December 20, Buford Kracke, who is a student at Peabody College, in Nashville, Tenn., has arrived home for the holidays to be with her mother, Mrs. Carrie Kracke and sister, Mrs. E. R. Roberts, and family.
1948-December 21, Beth Howell of Birmingham-Southern College is spending the Christmas holidays in Hartselle with homefolks. Elizabeth Peck, an API student, is also at home for the mid-season break.
2000-December 21, Nick Simmons, Danville, 5, has written Santa that, according to his teacher, he has "been pretty good and I'm really trying!" He asks for a Power Ranger and a Rescue Ranger. He also wants St. Nick to "bring my daddy some coffee cups because he keeps breaking them."
1955-December 22, The Christmas spirit found expression at Baker Manufacturing Co. today when Christmas hams were distributed by owner Ray Baker to approximately 75 employees.
1906-December 23, Dunbar Boger, who is currently railroading at Birmingham, is expected home shortly to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Boger.
1950-December 24, The Hartselle First Baptist Church choir, under the direction of Leonard Wallace, presented a Christmas Eve cantata tonight at the church. The beautiful decorations for the church were prepared by Mrs. M. H. Broom, Mrs. L. R. Palmer, Mrs. Van B. Glasscock, and Mrs. Carl Allen.
1980-December 24, Hartselle Catholics worshipped for the first time in their new sanctuary on this holiest of nights. Christmas Eve brought the Babe of Bethlehem into the new worship center and the realization of one of the greatest dreams of Catholic families here.
1937-December 25, Several members of the Burleson family are spending Christmas on the train as they continue their journey westward to attend the Alabama-California Rose Bowl game on New Year's.
(Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart)