Dear Santa…
By Staff
We've got plenty of Letters to Santa still coming in and have express mailed them all to the North Pole so they could reach Santa in time for Christmas. We've also included the letters here, just as the children wrote them.
Dear Santa,
I want a Spiderman web squirting toy, 5 video games, something for my mommy and something for my dad, a skeletor castle. I want a dart board and a Queazy bake oven.
Thank you,
Logan Hansard
Dear Santa,
My name is Hanna Williams and I would like for you to bring me mommy's little Patient doll, Barbie's cell phone with changes faces face plates, bracelets and rings, a new coloring book of Barbie and colors and a book Repuzale Barbie and a movie of the same, Spirit movie, Ashley and Mary Kate movie, when they get to learn how to drive. And I want surprises in my stocking. And I want a big Mickey and Minny and Daisey and Donald Duck so I can play like they get married. I want a picture of Santa Claus, he's the's the best. And I want a Frost the Snowman to go on the tree.
Thank you and I love you very much and I promise I'll be asleep when you get here and I'll leave you cookies and coffee and I'll leave Roudoulf carrots.
Hanna Williams
Dear Santa,
I want Barbie light glow pen. A Barbie, and a barbie computer, Barbie clothes, a barbie car.
Katelyn Chatman
Dear Santa,
Santa can you give me ballarena shoes. For my Mommy, I want a Dress with Santa's face on it. That's all.
Morgan Erskine
Dear Santa,
I want a doll, a book, a play tree, a stuffed animal, a chair, a flag. For my mommy a globe. A screwdriver for my daddy. A stuffed animal Tigger for my sister. Some shoes for my brother. A rocking horse for me.
Ali Johnson
Dear Santa,
I love you. Thank you for the presents. I want a crane tractor. An I spy book but not a little one I already have a little one. For Garret, a Gordon the choo choo. That all for my brother. Uncle Ashley it looks like an apple but its chocolate and all together. I'm getting my friend a ramp and a skateboard. I'm give Mrs. Sherry a glad Santa that is very breakable. For mom a choo choo to go around the tree so you don't even have to push it, it goes all by itself. Also a new coffee table because the old one is all scratched up and a teddy bear for my little brother. For my dad a new drill, a chain saw, a grown up that is really long. It don't matter what kind it is but not scarey. For my teacher a snow glass thingy that is breakable. For Drew's daddy some decoration in the living room. For Drew marshmellow cereal.
Ben Sexton
Dear Santa,
I want a spiderman glove and silly string, a spideman skateboard and tent. A bike, a remote control car. And that's all.
Sean Young
Dear Santa,
My name is Kelsey and I am six years old. I loved all of the presents you brought me last year. I haven't pulled a card at school in a couple of weeks. I'll keep trying to behave. This year I'd like for you to bring me a baby Annabelle, some clothes for her, a red watch, black boots, a Fur Real Friends cat, and some surprises. I'll leave you a snack under the tree for you. I'll leave your reindeer a snack on the grass in our yard.
Love, Kelsey
Dear Santa,
My name is Andrew and I am 4 years old. After getting your letter and switches last Christmas, I have been much better this year. I'd like for you to bring me some karate equipment, drums, some new computer games and anything with Elvis. I have made you something and I'll leave it by the tree.
Dear Santa,
My name is Seth. I am in the third grade. Thank you for all of the toys that you brought me last year. This year I'd like an Iquest, a Super Mario Brothers, a Gameboy Advance game, a computer game, a globe and maybe a couple of surprises. I'll leave you a snack under the tree.
Love, Seth
Dear Santa,
My name is Ansley Tapscott and I am 3 years old. I have been pretty good this year. I would like a Barbie Speedboat, Barbie bicycle, Barbie Sleeping Beauty House, a mirror to play with, and some surprises. Don't forget my baby brother, Tyde, he would love some trucks. We will leave you some cookies and milk.
Love you,
Dear Santa,
My name is Tyde Tapscott and I am 15 months old. I have been a good baby this year. I would like some trucks and boy toys, along with some surprises. My sister will leave you some snacks under the tree and I will think about giving you my paci next year.
Dear Santa,
My name is Keaton Kinney and I am 2 years old. I have been a good little boy this year. I would like a John Deere tractor, books, some movies and some surprises this Christmas. Don't forget all my cousins some surprises too! I will leave you some milk and cookies under the tree.
Keaton Kinney
Dear Santa,
Plis bring me a bee bee gun I wot a toy car
Drake Smith
Dear Santa Claus,
Please bring me a play station-1 with a spider man game and another spider web blaster and play station-2 and some dvds to go with it and card's and play set Dragon ball Z game.
Spencer Sharpley
Dear Santa Claus,
On christmas I want a game cube a teluscope and a tv. We'll be lit up with lights and I will leeve you some milk and cookies and we got a pretty plate for them.
Chris Kelley
Dear Santa Claus,
I Wont a Spider man web Blaster and a Fred doll and a Scoobey doo doll and a Shaggy doll and the new Scoobey game and a Power Ranger Ninga Storm morpher and a Daphney doll and a house for Daphney too and the red Power ranger toy.
Hunter Jones
Dear Santa Claus,
I wood like a rabbit and sum wolke tolkes and I wil leev you sum milk and cookees. I hav been a good litl boy.
Luv you santa,
Steven McElroy
Dear Santa Claus,
Please bring me 10 windup toy solders colors of blue and red.
Chance Morris
Dear Santa Claus,
My Story By Ryan T. Grantland
Christmas Is My Favorite Time Of The Year Because We All Get So Mini Prezint's. But some Children Don't Get any Prezint's Because They Don't Beleive In Santa Claus. I Want A Spider Man Web Blaster And A Bee Bee Gun From Santa But I'm Sory About Beeing Bad All Those Time's. I Promise To Be Good Next Year.
Ryan Grantland
Dear Santa Claus,
bring me a spidr man toy I wot a spidr man web blastr and a monster toy and a glo in the dark bat man I am six yers oldd I will lev you sum cookes and sum milk
Austin Mcutt
Dear Santa Claus,
I liKc a pupe for Crismis I Wil Lev u Sm mik and cooces I am 8 Yis od
Shyla Harper
Dear Santa Claus,
plees bring me a powr rangers I will giv you milk and cookes i hav bin a good boy
Dear Santa Claus:
I wont a Daphney doll and a Scoobey doll velma and a Scoobey doo game and a fred too and a movie Shaggy too and a Spirit movie too and can you bring me a toy pony too and can you bring me a play fish too.
Tonya Humphrey
Dear Santa Claus:
plis bring me sum nuw cds four my play stasn 2 and a spiderman Web Blaster and on chrstmas i wout a four ten gun and sum nuw cuverrols and i will lev you sum milk and cookes
Joshua Flowers
Dear Santa Claus,
I am six yers old I want a big Tigger and a prisses and a doll that looks like me I bin a good gerl and my sisters wus good too I will giv you sum cukes and milk
Crystal Carter
Dear Santa Claus,
Please bring me a doll and a tigger and a ball and a presint for my cousin Heather. She has a puppy dog.
Caylin Thrasher
Dear Santa,
please bring me a cubix game Boy and a monsters inc. and a spiterman movie
Jesse Davis
Dear Santa Claus,
I like santa claus. I went to see santa. I want to go to the moll. I want a new bed and a new forwheeler and a new dog and a drtbike and a new cat.
Dear Santa Claus,
Im 6 years old, and I been good and this is what I want for Christmas. I wood like it if I had a tiger for Christmas and a bike for Christmas to and my sister wantid a paint set for Christmas and we all redy put up the Christmas tree. Then we put on the stuf then we are finisht with it.
Krysta and have a happy newyear
Dear Santa Claus,
I wont a fish and a ALBRIN T, shrt and on the back the trige kikt the eluf its dutt and a lots of presints and a mod bivke and a spidre-man web blassrt.
William Cole Johnson
Dear Santa,
Santa your reindeer are nice and so are you! And you and yare Elves and your reindeer are the best!
Dear Santa,
What I Want from you is a video camera and surprises. I just want is a real video camera. I love youe Reindeer. The most one I like is Rudolph.
Dear Santa,
I want a transformer armota. I want a forementsuit, a starfox64nintindo64 game. I wanta starwars nintindo64 game and some yu-gi-oh cards and a gocart. A titanic model, and a pinball machine.
Marvin Kyle Evans
Dear Mr. Santa,
I am 5 years old. I got to be a big sister this year and I've been a big help to mom. Please bring me A barbie doll house and new ballet shoes for dance class. My baby brother is 6 months old and would love some crawling activities. I will leave you lots of goodies.
Brittany &Matthew Whiseman, Jr. of Hartselle
My name is Alex Selby. I am 5 years old. I have been a very good boy this year. I would like to have a warm robe, a jam guitar game, see-in-the-dark goggles, and other goodies. I will be leaving you cookies that my mom made and some milk. Be careful on your trip here. I love you Santa.
Alex Selby
Dear Santa,
I want a scooby-doo game and a game boy and a x box.
Jerdon Greenhaw
Dear Santa Claus,
I want a Leloe and Stich c d and zip and zoom.
My name is Shannon Howes
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Blake. I want a Pumer Plane. A Paint Ball Gun. I have ben a good boy.
Blake Anders
By mr C.J. Callis:
I Hope It Snows This Christmas Do You Santa. I Hope I Get Lots Of Gifts This Christmas I Love You
From C.J. Callis
Dear Santa Claus,
I want a big big big pooh bear. And I want a blue rasecar. And I want a little pink puppy. And I am being good. I love Christmas it is fun. My name is Andrea Carter. I am six years old. I go to frst grad it is fun. And I Want a mostrcar.
Dear Santa Claus,
I want a remote controlle race car and a remote ejruner with 4 wills and a skatboyde and a pant boll gum. I hav ben good.
The end
Dear Santa Claus,
I want some snow and some color doll houses. I have ben very good. I want a pretty toy horse and some surprises and some candy. I want some toys and a brown rabbit. I love you Santa. I am leveing you some cookes.
Nyleena Cross
Dear Santa Claus,
I wont dortbike. It gow 100.hndrind mas. I like dortbike I rile like thim. I am popwile on thu dortbike.
Houston Freeman
Dear Santa Claus,
I wot a new bice fum Santa and a lomcloc to wacke me up. I hav bin a good girl.
Kayley Jones
Dear Santa Claus,
Santa is fun like me and my sistre to but we like for presnts and toys. Me and my sistre we play with my presnts win we waick up.
Kourtney Lindsey
Dear Santa Claus,
Santa Claus I wont a EJ ridr and a gameboy with games at vens and a jem gtrr game and a pant bol gum and a mote cintrold ras cre that tarns into a boet. I love you Santa Claus. Il leev you brack and backe cookes.
Slater Robinson
Dear Santa Claus,
I want a blue and red easel. And a baby doll with a suff puppy. And a jello barbie and kelly. And a glitter polly house. My name is Ashleigh Shumake. I am six years old. I love you Santa.
Dear Santa Claus,
What is your favrit coky? Santa I have bin very good the hol yir. I wat a horse game an a new stoking.
Shelby Sims
Dear Santa Claus,
I want yogiyo cords. I got thirty dolrs frum my uncl. My sitr got thirty dolrs even to. Are uncl is having srgre. I have bin good.
J.R. Smith
Dear Santa Claus,
I want a Santa to brange me a lot of candy. On Christmas eve morning. When I wake up I'm going to open my prezons. Then I'm going to go to my nana.
Courtney Vinson
Dear Santa Claus,
I like a brat for Christmas I bin a good.
Kayla Widner
Dear Santa Claus,
I want a white puppy that is born this year. I wot a little puppy. I am go to name my puppy angl snowflake igloo.
Kayla Hogan
Dear Santa Claus,
I would like a puppy and a skateboard and it to snow. Merry Christmas Santa…and a Xbox and a krict22.
Dylan Forman
Dear Santa Claus,
I would like some Hotwheels and yes I have been good good. Santa I want a dirtbike motorcycle puppy dogfood Skeleto Panthor Castel grey skull Heman man and Arms Beast man play station a Battel cat bashin beetle computer games.
Jordan Turney
Dear Santa Claus,
I will leave you some milk and cookies and Rudolph some carrot and can you leave my cat and dog some suprises. I lve you Santa Calus and wook out for cots becaos she is bigger than last year.
Your friend,
Lauren Wilson
Dear Santa Claus,
I'm going to leave you cookie and milk. I will like a go cart and hot wheel and a skateboard and skooter and a motorcycle and a computer and a spiderman bed. I wont a telescope and a play station two and a stocking.
Dear Santa Claus,
I will give you some sugar cookies. I want some Barbie skates. I want puppy. And something for Mrs. Sandlin. I want a Lisa Frank tiger poster. Math Blaster CD. And a new angel for my little Christmas tree. And a waterbottel.
Stephanie Holland
Dear Santa Claus,
I will leavy you some milk and ches lev my puppy candy cane bone and leave me skeletor. I love you.
Britt Harvel
Dear Santa Claus,
I will make you some cookies and a glas of malk. I will lick a gocart and a new Bicke and a lote of presents and a dirtbike and a skooter and a gameboy.
Joseph Rhoads
Dear Santa Claus,
I always leave reindeer food. I would like a new gocart. Street flyers a Barbie and Kelly. I will leave you some cookies and milk. I want you to bring me a tackboard. A ferret some cat treats (P.S. two packs) a dryerase Board. A Nintendo 64. A Playstation2 and for the nintendo64 I want games for both and games for the Playstation2.
Chelsie Jordan
Dear Santa Claus,
I would Like a rabett and a new coler for my dog and a modorescater and a faret and a nintindo Game Cube and a cittin and a Xbox.
Lonnie Young
Dear Santa Claus,
I wot a gocart and a dirt bike. Power wheels. Cookies and milk. And a playstation and a juprop.
Hannah Brady
Dear Santa Claus,
I would like a hitclip. I would like you to bring my teacher a present and a I would like a ferret and a dryerase board and plese get my 3 cats treats and evryone to be well. I love you Santa Calus.
Britton Suddith
Dear Santa Claus,
I would i to dolphin I would i to puppy I would i to have hotwheld I would itt skateboard I would i to parrot I would i to computer I would put cookies.
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Lauren Turrentine I love you. I love Christmas too. I will leave you som cookise. And I will leave some carrots. I want suprises.
Lauren Turrentine
Dear Santa Claus,
I want a bouncy balloon, a Spiderman web blaster, a play station 2, and all the he man action figures. We will try to make milk and cookes.
Harley Russell
Dear Santa Claus,
I've been a good little girl this year. Will you please bring me a chalkboard eraser, a marker board eraser, dry erase markers, a Barbie car, Barbie clothes, and a marker board. I will leave you some treats. When is your birthday? How old are you?
Love your pal,
Carolyn Cazares
P.S. My teacher thinks I am precious! She wants to keep me!
Dear Santa Claus,
I have been okay this year. Thank you for the stuff you brought Me last year. I might leave you milk and cookies this year. Will you please bring me a Bike or movies? What time do you come on Christmas Eve night?
Kathryn Britton
P.S. My teacher thinks I have been a very good little girl this year.
Dear Santa Claus,
I want a xbox, a dirt bike, a shot gun, cards and a Lord of the Rings the Two Towers video, a DVD player, and a playstation two for Christmas. I would also like tenmillion word serches. Please bring me all that.
Michael Downs
P.S. My teacher thinks I am a very, Very, very good boy!
Dear Santa Claus,
I have been a good little girl for the year. Please, please, Santa Will you bring me a baby twin Dolls and much, much more. I will leave out milk and cookies and milk before I go to bed. What are the elves names? Will you come to my Chrsitmas program?
Raven Knowlton
P.S. My teacher thinks I am an angel!
Dear Santa Claus,
Thank you for what you gave me last Christmas. I have been kind of good and kind of bad. Please bring me some movies, CDs, clothes, and a pack of pens. I will leave you some cookies and some milk. How long does it take you to deliver all the presents to all the children?
Holli Johnson
P.S. My teacher said I've been pretty good. She said I will make a great General one day.
Dear Santa Claus,
Thank you for what you gave Me last year, but this year I want a game boy game called Pokemon blue version, a stuffed Animal, lots of candy, a Peter Rabbit Barbie doll, a deck of Pokemon and Yu Gi Oh cards, and last but not least a great Surprise! I hope I've been good Enough for you to give me all This. Have I? I hope yes. Oh, yes and one more present Some money for me to buy my Cat Sally something for Christmas. Thank you!
Cristin Hall
P.S. My teacher thinks I am a Super student and that I have NOT been good-I've been SUPER-DUPER!
Dear Santa Claus,
I want yugioh cards, x box, Play station two, game cube, Game boy games, a one Million g Gundums, oh More yugioh cards. I am a good little boy.
Jacob Birdwell
P.S. My teacher thinks I am her Best student because I work very hard.
Dear Santa Claus,
Thank you for my motor cycle last year. But this year I want a two door Mule. Just too ride in. Not the kind that is in a Pasture, only the kind that you ride around in. If you can't get me that, will you get me a Play Station 2 with 4 games called BFL Football, WWF Smackdown, WWE Smackdown, and a Surprise Game!
Austin Wiley
P.S. My teacher thinks I am an incredible kid!
Dear Santa Claus,
Will you bring me 410 bor shot gun. Please bring it for me. I want you to bring me Yu-gi-oh cards pleas. I also want hunting clothes. I have been good. And a game called Big Game Hunter for playstation2.
Connor Boyd
P.S. My teacher thinks I am an awesome kid!
Dear Santa Claus,
I have been very good since last year. Will you please bring me a typewriter with an ink cartridge and AC adapter? I also need a new set of school supplies for school. Will you bring that for me? Thank you so much for my computer that you brought me last year! I loved that letter that you and the reindeers wrote me and put in the bottom of my printer.
Jessica Terry
P.S. My teacher thinks that I am a cutie!
Dear Santa Claus,
I have been good this year. I hardly ever get in trouble in school this year. Thanks for the stuff last year. I want a game boy, x box, a fish tank, and a monster truck. I left you cookies last year did you eat them. I will leave them this year if you want me to. I like cookies too.
J. Caleb Hill
P.S. My teacher thinks I am a great kid because I smile a lot. She said to bring me extra goodies!
Dear Santa Claus,
I won't say that I have been a real good boy this year, especially my brothers. But we have been good helpers and made good grades at school. So please give us something for Christmas. I want a skateboard, GBA games, and candy. My brother, Garrett, wants a Game Boy Advance and CD player. Joel just wants money as always. Mom and Dad want us to keep our rooms picked up and some peace and quiet. Other than that I think they would like chocolate and their coffee. I wish you a Merry Christmas.
Your friend,
Ethan Cobbs, age 8
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Mykel. I am 5 yrs. old. I have tried very hard to be a good boy this year. I would like a Playstation, John Deere tractor stuff, and lots of surprises. I would also like a trampoline. I will leave some cheese, milk, and cookies under the tree for you and the reindeer.
Love always,
Mykel Welch