Club news
By Staff
Country Cousins enjoy meeting
The Country Cousins Club met Dec. 19 at the home of Donna and Ray Weeks for a holiday hoedown. Thirty members and guests gathered for a day of music, food and fun.
The Shadow Mountain Band and several guest musicians filled the Weeks' living room and music was enjoyed by all.
In addition to the Weeks, music was provided by Joy and Ron Westmoreland, Jack and Evalene Crutchfield, Bonnie Cleghorn, Tootsie Russell and Louie Hargett. Several of the cousins also sang.
The Weeks' home was decorated for Christmas in every nook and crannie. Of special interests were the angels Donna Weeks collects. A white tree was completely decorated with angel ornaments and white lights.
Several cousins were unable to attend because of illness and the weather. Special prayer requests were made for these and several others. Edna White and Inez Borden reported on the family they had selected for the cousins to help for Christmas. They declared they had received a great blessing in providing help for people who are in need.
Tables full of favorite dishes were served for lunch. As soon as the feasting was over, the music continued.
Others attending were: Jean Hargett, Paul Prince, Cheri Jones, niece of Donna Weeks and granddaughter of Johnnie McElory and her husband, Darren, Zettie Wright and her daughter, Pat Hopson, Evalene Orr, Ottie Lou and Hilda Self, Billie Hutchinson, Johnnie McElroy, Zadie Quattlebaum, Bill Whitten, Jimmie Quattlebaum, Bob and Edna White, Inez Borden, Idalene Singleton, Edna Earl James, Johnny Self and Dot Maples.
The January meeting will be at the home of Hoyt and Dot Maples in Valhermoso Springs.
Homemakers mark Christmas
Bethel Homemakers met for their December meeting at the home of Betty Vest. Eight members were present.
President LaVerne Stacks called the meeting to order and thanked the hostesses, Vest and Cleo Frazier. She welcomed each one and gave the thought "the highest reward for your work is not what you get for it, but what you become by it."
The minutes were read by Secretary Joyce Martin and approved.
Latane Burgess led the pledge to the flag. Donna Bentley gave the devotion, reading from Luke 1:26-37.
After a short business session, food brought by each member was served and enjoyed by all.
Gift boxes were brought by each member to be delivered to residents at the new nursing home in Decatur. Secret pals were revealed and gifts were exchanged. New secret pals were drawn for the next year.
Donna Bentley won the hostesses gift. The meeting adjourned to meet in January at Stack's home.