A look back
By Staff
(Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart)
The first of the year is a time to assess financial well being at all levels and hopefully to do something to improve it.
1917-January 9, 1917-Its bookkeepers have reported to the board of directors of the Bank of Hartselle that the bank showed an increase of deposits over last year of 40 percent, while net earnings rose by more than 19 per cent. The bank paid a 12 percent to those lucky enough to have stock.
1943- January 10, Miss Ruth Hartselle who has most recently been employed in Sheffield, has now accepted a position closer to home at the State National Bank of Decatur.
1936-January 11, Area strawberry growers met at city hall today to arrange for the purchase of crates and to market berries this coming season. They are anticipating a bountiful harvest.
1944-January 11, William Lindsey recently relocated to Brunswick, Ga., where he will be employed.
1925- January 12, Six stills were captured last week at Gandy's Cove. Several prominent moonshiners (names unknown) will have to find another way to make a living, at least temporarily.
1922-January 13, Mary Lawson and husband A. J. of Hartselle Route 1 did considerable business in Hartselle today.
1936-January 13, W. A. McClanahan is predicting business success in this New Year. He has just purchased the Freeman Hardware Co., located near the Kimbrough trade stable.
1886-January 14, Times are hard in this vicinity. Furniture wagons have been kept especially busy in the past few days. Happy is the prosperous family that does not have to move during this cold weather, but thrice happy are those that do not have to move at all.
1914-January 15, The First National Bank of Hartselle is enjoying the largest business in its history and has paid a semi-annual dividend of 6 per cent. The bank's leadership includes A. E. Jackson (president), T. R. Ryan, G. E. Patterson, G. C. Graves, P. W. Barclift, J. B. Orr, J. E. Freeman, and G. E. Patterson.