Share your family photos &histories
By Staff
As part of the Hartselle Enquirer's annual Progress edition, we're looking for family photos and histories.
The photos and histories will be included in a section titled "Old Times There are Not Forgotten," and we're looking for the best representatives of life as it was in Hartselle.
To submit your family's history, send your typed or printed story to P.O. Box 929, Hartselle, AL 35640 or fax to 773-1953. Photos can be submitted at the same address or can be brought by our office at 407 Chestnut Street.
Pictures will be scanned in and returned immediately. Please identify everyone you can in the photos.
Any information can be e-mailed to news@hartselleenquirer. com
The deadline for submittals is March 1.
Progress publishes March 27.