A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
There has been a marked increase in the expression of patriotic sentiments in the wake of the Iraqi war crisis.
1940-February 20, The Morgan County Rural Letter Carriers Association will holds its annual banquet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Groover tomorrow night. Joe E. Wright and Mrs. Wright will present a patriotic program entitled simply, "America."
1940-February 21, The annual MCHS oratorical elimination contest was held this afternoon. Bevelye Wray Barclift, Nelle Payne, Edward Summers, and Billy Stephenson made very effective patriotic speeches. Miss Lizzie Reed Penn is the public speaking teacher.
1945-February 22, Pfc. Douglas Summers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Summers, College street, has been awarded the Philippine Liberation ribbon.
1958-February 22, Lt. Frank Stewart has returned to his post at Fort Knox, Ky., following a visit her with his parents.
1924-February 23, William J. Bryan, the silver-tongued orator and three-time presidential candidate, will address the citizens of Hartselle in a patriotic address on Monday at 12:30 o'clock at the city school building.
1950-February 23, The law enforcement professional who now has primary responsibility for maintaining law and order in Hartselle is the new police chief, T. M. McCutcheon.
1912-February 24, Anthrax, a malignant cattle disease, has made its appearance in the pastures of several farmers in this area.
1918-February 25, Twenty Morgan County selectmen reported this afternoon at the courthouse. Tomorrow they will entrain for the cantonments at either Camp Pike or Camp Dodge.
1924-February 26, Discussions are currently under way as to what would be the most fitting memorial to the men from Hartselle and Morgan County who gave their lives for their country in the World War.
1952-February 26, Robert and Robbie Stephenson have returned to the Montgomery Air Force base following a weekend visit here with homefolks.