A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
1952–March 20, Ruth Huie, wife of famed Hartselle author William Bradford Huie of New York City, is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Josie Puckett. Mr. Huie currently has a popular TV program on the Dumont network.
1929–March 21, The new Keller Memorial Bridge over the Tennessee River at Decatur will be open in the very near future. The impressive structure is named for the late brother of Helen Keller.
1905–March 21, Hartselle readers of Jules Verne were distressed to see in the paper today that he is dangerously sick. He continued writing until recently, when he was obliged to suspend all literary work.
2002–March 21, The Hartselle Chamber of Commerce's John J. Sparkman citizenship award has been presented to Sen. Tommy Ed Roberts.
1937–March 22, Sinclair Lewis's "Dodsworth" is now showing at Hartselle's Strand Theatre.
1885-March 23, The editor of the Hartselle Index is planning to go to Birmingham in the near future to hear the famous divine, the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, give a public lecture.
1951–March 23, Doc Francis was in Detroit this week attending a Kaiser-Frazer dealers' meeting called by the company.
1955–March 24, Ralph Pattillo has been selected for Air Force pilot training.
1958–March 25, Judge George C. Wallace will bring his campaign for governor of Alabama to Hartselle tomorrow. Wallace's principal rival is Attorney General John Patterson.
1885-March 26, The dying condition of General and former President Ulysses S. Grant ought to be a warning to tobacco users. Excessive smoking is killing him.
1912–March 26, The Republican convention of the eighth district met in Decatur today. The convention was solid for President William Howard Taft for renomination and reelection. T. P. Wood of Hartselle was selected as a presidential elector. S. L. Sherrill, also of Hartselle, is secretary of the convention.