A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
Fifty-five years ago-in 1948-the events of World War II were still having their impact in the lives of individuals, families, communities, and the nation as a whole.
April 24-A Fort Benning, Ga., veteran's hospital is where Frank Smith, who saw distinguished service in World War II, will receive care for the next week or so.
April 24-Lloyd E. Logan is a new member of the Hartselle unit of the American Legion. Mr. Logan moved to Hartselle last year. (Lloyd Logan later served as American Legion Post Commander for a total of ten years.)
April 25-Fort Bragg, N.C., is the current duty post for Pfc. Roy E. Groover, son of Falkville resident Roy S. Groover. In the near future Pfc. Groover will be participating in training maneuvers involving Army and Air Force divisions operating on the boundary between Tennessee and Kentucky.
April 25-Miss Carrie Teague, beloved Methodist missionary to Japan, reports that her work in that country is going well. Miss Teague returned to Japan last year, her service of nearly three decades having been interrupted for several years by the outbreak of World War II.
April 26-C. L. Orr is currently commanding the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Hartselle Memorial Post No. 5180.
April 27-The weekly barn dances at the Hartselle National Guard armory continue to be very popular.
April 28-Charles C. Oden, a combat veteran of World War II, is currently employed by City Auto and Electrical Supply which is owned by Walter (Bud) Poole, Jr.
April 29-The first project affecting the new Hartselle city park will involve conversion of an army surplus barracks into a bathhouse and dressing rooms for use by patrons of the new swimming pool.
April 30-Hartselle's John F. Thompson Post No. 52 of the American Legion will sell bonds to finance its new building on the north Bee Line Highway.
April 30-Tolan Whitten, who enrolled in Gupton Embalming School following his return from military service in Japan, is now associated with Peck Funeral Home.