Other views
By Staff
A 10-mill tax will not pass
I read with great interest the long-range proposal for the city of Hartselle that was printed in the Hartselle Enquirer.
I do not believe a 10-mill property tax will pass once it goes to the ballot box.
It is a fact that the State of Alabama is $500 million short on the 2004 budget, therefore Gov. Riley has approved a 3-5 percent property tax increase which goes into effect in the year 2005.
If the city of Hartselle imposes another 10-mill, you can understand that everyone owning property in the city of Hartselle would be taxed again.
This will work a hardship on fixed income households and lower income households.
I love the city of Hartselle and have watched it grow over the last 40 years, but personally I would not vote for a 10-mill property tax, but I would vote for a 5-mill tax.
I feel we have a great city governing body and that they should review this proposal again and make necessary adjustments (or cutbacks) before the property tax is rejected at the polls.
I have spoken with citizens of Hartselle who share my view on this.
Mavine Springer