A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
On Sept. 9, Alabama voters will cast their ballots on the most comprehensive revenue-raising program in the state's history. Following are other examples-local and statewide-of this type of democracy in action.
1986-June 19, Complete returns are now in. Voters statewide have approved an amendment "allowing" Hartselle voters to continue to levy property taxes in support of their schools. This is an unusual aspect of Alabama's Constitution-a statewide amendment is required for local people to act on matters affecting them alone.
1901-June 20, Delegates selected to draft a new constitution are now deliberating in Montgomery. When the delegates are finished working the people will have the opportunity to vote the new document up or down in a referendum. Samuel Blackwell, Danville native, has represented Morgan County at the convention.
1927-June 21, Many people are now registering to vote in the referendum which will decide (finally) if the Morgan County seat will be moved from Decatur to Hartselle. (This anticipated referendum was never held.)
1914-June 22, There is sentiment for changing the name of the community of New Decatur to something else-possibly Morgan City. The people of the town will have the final say in a referendum.
1919-June 23, Morgan County Tax Assessor Herman O. Troup is prepared to readjust his tax assessments in the event that the proposed new three-mill property tax is approved by voters later this summer. Sentiment for increasing funding for schools appears to be strong throughout Morgan County.
1952-June 24, Hartselle traditionally has not had Sunday night movies. Some would like to see this change, particularly as far as the drive-in is concerned. The question could ultimately be put to city voters in a referendum.
2000-June 25, Clifton P. Knight and Sammie Wiley are intensifying their campaigns to succeed incumbent Hartselle Mayor Robert Stephenson. The voters will decide who will lead this city when they go to the polls on September 12.