A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
The vote on Governor Bob Riley's tax and accountability program is now just a few days away. It is very unlikely that it will be approved. Sometimes citizens have actually voted to place increased taxes on themselves, but most taxes have been levied by the city council or state legislature.
1962- September 4, The new members of the city education board- Horace Broom, Evelyn Orr, W. P. Maxwell, Arthur Bean, Dick Stoner, Fred Sherrill, and T. B. Strickland, Jr. are studying the financial needs of Hartselle schools and making recommendations for improvements. A two-percent sales tax for schools levied by the city council went into effect on September 1.
1951- September 5, Smokers are gradually getting accustomed to the new two-cent tax on cigarettes that went into effect the first of the month. The mayor and council levied the tax.
1919- September 6, Tax Assessor Herman O. Troup is readjusting his tax assessments so that they will reflect the new 3-mill county property tax for schools voted in by the people late last month. The educational tax was approved in every district balloting on the measure. A heavy downpour of rain caused the election to be called off at Danville.
1906 – September 7, There are no less than 15 applicants for tax assessor in this county, the office having been made vacant by the death of C. G. Harris a few days ago.
1909 – September 8, Some people are fearful that if they vote for prohibition in the referendum coming up later this fall it will mean higher taxes on the necessities of life. A. A. Oden of Hartselle, ex-treasurer of Morgan County, has had this viewpoint frequently communicated to him by the country people.
1973 – September 9, Hartselle and Morgan County schools are opening their fall terms short of funds. Back in June county and city voters rejected an additional sales tax for schools.
1916 – September 10, The Morgan County Board of Tax Equalization has now finished its work. Exactly what individual property owners will have to pay isn't known, but they will definitely have to pay more. Almost all property in the county has been raised in tax valuation.