A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
The American economy is currently experiencing an upward bounce.
1893-November 20, B. G. Hardwick of Cedar Plains community was a pleasant caller at the Enquirer office today. Mr. Hardwick is undoubtedly one of the best and most successful farmers of our county. He raises everything to live on at home and sells the surplus. He has made money out of farming and is free to say that, during all these distressed times, he did not feel it due to the fact he did not have to go in debt for anything.
1903-November 21, A large influx of emigrants from the north and west is looked forward to this winter. During the past few weeks there have been many inquiries from northern people concerning farm lands in this section.
1897-November 22, Col. D. W. Draper of Apple Grove, Morgan County, raised this year about 4,000 bushels of corn and over 40 bales of cotton.
1910-November 23, M. Casey &Co. have completed their part of the pike road contract running east from Hartselle and are moving their machinery, preparing to do railroad work elsewhere. This gives 10 miles of fine road on the east of the railroad.
1927- November 24, Contracts will be awarded in the near future by the state highway department that will have a big impact on the future growth of Morgan County. The major one is for the construction of the south approach to the Tennessee River bridge at Decatur which will cost about $8,500.
1917 – November 25, The farmers of this section of the state are more contented and are in a better financial condition today than they have been in for many years. With cotton selling at nearly thirty cents a pound and corn at about $1.40 a bushel, and with a goodly supply of hogs, the Morgan County farmer is well off today.
1923- November 26, Hartselle's First National Bank building is nearing completion. The interior is about finished and fixtures are being installed. When occupied the new bank will have a home that compares most favorably with buildings of its kind in other cities. It is a testimony the increasing prosperity of Hartselle.