Q&A on P's and Q's
By Staff
There are dos and don'ts for good manners
Do you think you have a good grasp of modern manners and etiquette? A recent survey begs to differ.
Results from the fourth annual Lenox Gift-Giving and Etiquette Survey show that more than one-third of the respondents rate the manners of Americans in general as poor; yet 80 percent of respondents rate their own manners as excellent.
However, the survey uncovered a lack of basic etiquette knowledge. For example, 45 percent of those surveyed don't always send a thank you note after receiving a gift; less than one-third of respondents always bring a gift for the host or hostess when visiting someone's home; and 40 percent of respondents don't always send wedding gifts when they cannot attend.
But all hope is not lost. By following these simple tips, you, too, can be an etiquette expert.