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Cheer coaches deserve thanks
I read Mr. Dowdy's attempt in a local newspaper to "set the record straight" on the matter of Hartselle High School cheerleading and since I attended the school board meeting the night he and one other person spoke against the cheerleading program under Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Wilson, I believe another viewpoint is badly needed (and I apologize in advance to those who think too much has been made of all this, but Mr. Dowdy's comments cannot go without comment).
First, cheerleading selection, no matter what process is used, generates complaints. Mr. Reeves acknowledged this when he commented on Hartselle's previous attempts to use other methods. Mr. Abercrombie learned and acknowledged such complaints are not uncommon when it comes to cheerleading selection. In fact, the meeting's first order of business on the agenda was supposed to be on "cheerleading selection." Instead, Mr. Dowdy read a statement that made outrageous, unsubstantiated, and laughable charges against the cheerleading program-which resulted in the audience bursting into spontaneous and instantaneous laughter.
In fact, when Paul Wilson spoke up and defended his wife against Mr. Dowdy's comments, he was not only successful, but obtained a thunderous applause from most of those present. Many spoke on behalf of Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Cooper, and only two spoke critically-Mr. Dowdy and a mother, whose daughter was not chosen for the squad. More individuals would have spoken on behalf of the cheerleading program, but Mr. Abercrombie could not get anyone else to speak against the program and the meeting turned into a pro-Cooper/Wilson rally, including Mrs. Welch-who wonderfully explained the reason her method of choosing cheerleaders was different because she was a cheerleading sponsor, not a coach.
Mr. Dowdy claimed that Sonie Wilson and Martha Cooper wasted two weeks by not submitting their resignation in writing the night of the meeting. Let the readers know that Hartselle was fortunate to have them as cheerleading coaches and they have not "wasted" anyone's time–they have invested countless hours, weeks, months, and years into the lives of young ladies, many who went on to be successful as cheerleaders at the collegiate level. If anyone has wasted anyone's time-it is Mr. Dowdy! He has wasted the time of your readers, the school board, and those who support Hartselle City Schools.
So, if the record is to be set straight, then let the readers know that the school board meeting was overwhelmingly an affirmation of the existing cheerleading program and of the coaches-Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Cooper. Thank you ladies for making Hartselle cheerleading second to none in excellence and for your investment of time in the lives of our students.
Walter Blackman
Free enterprise alive and well
Congratulations to all our restaurants in Hartselle. They all appear to be doing well.
In the last three years, millions of dollars have been invested in new or renovated restaurants, eight or more. Thanks to all of our area for supporting these and all other business in Hartselle.
Free enterprise (risky undertaking) is alive and well in our city. Our business people have invested time, effort, and money to supply the demand for goods and services. All of this with the normal city services. No one paid them to come, or gave them anything, as far as I know.
I ask our city fathers to continue to do the things that increase our quality of life-fire, police protection, utilities, recreation, infrastructure and education. All of this takes money.
Please continue to shop in Hartselle. Your sales tax helps pay the bills. Free enterprise works-it will supply the demand.
Jim Corum