Put the chamber to work
By Staff
Susan Hines, Chamber chatter
There are so many benefits to chamber membership that over the next few weeks I will list some of the features that can be beneficial to you as a member of the Hartselle Area Chamber of Commerce. This week we will cover two more categories:
Web site/ Internet:
Millions of people search the Internet daily for many reasons. It may be as simple as asking a question like "What is the temperature in Osaka, Japan?" to helping with homework issues (history on Hartselle) or shopping. Many travelers use the Internet to plan their trip from discounted plane and hotel tickets to driving directions. The Internet is a viable way of informing the public.
At the Chamber we receive a number of e-mails daily to ask questions about our area. We have received forms and follow-up questions from our legislators in Washington, D.C. following our trips. If needed we forward the information request forms to the proper party. We are always glad to see that "we have mail" and interest in our area and to be able to assist. Here is just a sampling of our recent inquiries:
Our web site offers the following categories/pages of information: Home page, the chamber, the community, hidden treasure, virtual tour, government, phone directory, demographics, education, recreation, calendar of events, member directory, links.
I encourage you to check out the web site at www.hartsellechamber.com.
Group benefits
An investment in the chamber is an investment in your success.
If you are interested in any of the above, would like to volunteer, become involved and would like information on joining the Hartselle Area Chamber of Commerce you may reach us at 773-4370 or via email at hartsell@hiwaay.net.