A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
June typically brings much activity-visiting, vacations, students returning home for the summer, etc.
1943 -June 3, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ray and son, Charles, were recent guests of relatives in Manchester, Tenn.
1954 -June 3, Private Earl Cook, Jr., will arrive soon from Camp Gordon, Ga., for a ten-day furlough with his mother, Mrs. Earl Cook, and sister, Betty Vaughn. Private Cook is slated to sail soon for overseas duty.
1947 -June 4, Mrs. John L. Bean and grandson, Joe L. Wright, will spend the weekend in Athens with Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Blackburn and family.
1949 -June 5, Hartselle college students already home or who will soon be home for summer vacation include Nancy Roberts, Beth Howell, Carolyn Stewart, Elizabeth Peck, Jean Morton, Horace Broom, Robert Stephenson, Bill Kelly, and Robbie Quinn.
1924 -June 6, R. L. Sherrill of Dallas, Tex., the son of J. B. Sherrill of Hartselle, was a visitor here today. Mr. Sherrill is a member of the staff of the Dallas News and left Morgan County 15 years ago.
1946 -June 6, Mr. and Mrs. J. Street Sandlin of Danville left Monday for Hot Springs, Ark., where they will take the bath treatments.
1963 -June 6, Doris Whetstone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Whetstone, has completed her studies in music at Knoxville College.
1941 -June 7, LaUna Pattillo and Nancy are planning to visit their husband and father, Captain Carl Pattillo, at Camp Claiborne, La., next week.
1962 -June 7, Clifton Knight, associate editor of the Enquirer, was in Tuscaloosa Sunday to attend commencement exercises at the University of Alabama. His brother, George Knight of Lineville, received a degree in journalism during the ceremony.
1943 -June 8, Representative William Stewart has returned to Montgomery after spending the weekend with homefolks. Mrs. Stewart accompanied him to Montgomery to hear the address by Wendell Willkie on Monday.
1949 -June 9, Ernest Maddox and family plan to go on a northern vacation trip next week.