A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
The long Fourth of July weekend will be celebrated by many people starting when they get off work Friday.
1893 – July 1, Baseball teams, composed mostly of college men, are being organized in all sections of the state. Numerous contests, including Hartselle action, are scheduled for the Fourth of July.
1919 – July 2, The American Legion is asking the Alabama Legislature to make Armistice Day, November 11, a legal holiday in the state.
1926 – July 2, Troop C, 109th Cavalry, based here, is now Company C, 127th Engineer Battalion, Mounted. At full strength this patriotic group of Hartselle citizens will consist of three officers and 80 enlisted men.
1903 – July 3, Towns and cities all over Alabama are making extensive preparations for celebrating the Fourth of July. Many big excursion and barbecues have been scheduled.
1986 – July 3, Hartselle's old post office building is now listed on the Alabama register of landmarks and heritage.
1948 – July 4, The new swimming pool saw extensive use today by both children and adults celebrating the Fourth of July holiday.
1935 – July 5, Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper and son, Edward, are enjoying a trip to Canada with the Reliance Life Insurance party. Mrs. Cooper writes friends that the highlight of their trip thus far has been seeing the Dionne quintuplets.
1998 – July 5, Leon Foster reached the milestone year of 65 today. A member of Hartselle's Pennylane Church of Christ, Mr. Foster graduated from the former Morgan County Training School and attended Butler College in Tyler, Texas, on an athletic scholarship.
1944 – July 6, Bobby Mixon has gone to Atlanta to enroll at Georgia Tech where he will take his V 12 training for the U.S. Navy.
1914 – July 7, The state superintendent of education, William F. Feagin, will visit Hartselle tomorrow to make an address to the teachers participating in the summer institute. They are being encouraged to lead their students in patriotic exercises daily.