Resurfacing work begins on Vaughn Bridge Road
By Staff
Leada DeVaney, Hartselle Enquirer
Hartselle is opening up its coffers to pay for roadwork on Vaughn Bridge Road.
Resurfacing work began last week. District Two County Commissioner John Glasscock resurfaced the part of the road in the county and asked the city to do the same.
The city's portion of the one-lane area from Briarclift Street west to the city limits was 2,624 feet.
Hartselle Public Works officials suggested adding another 2,686 feet, the portion of the road from Highway 31 to Briarclift Street, to the resurfacing project. The council approved the addition last week.
The city will spend some $41,000 on the project. The money will come from gas tax revenues generated by the 7 and 4 percent gas taxes. This money can only be used for roadwork and repair.
The city currently has $172,280 in the fund and expects an additional $21,000 before the end of the fiscal year.