A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
The cast for Hartselle's city government for the years 2004-2008 has now been assembled: Dwight Tankersley as the new mayor and Bill Drake, Mark Mizell, Bill Smelser, Kenny Thompson, and Samie Wiley as members of the totally freshman city council.
2001–September 23, Dwight Tankersley is currently serving as chairman of the board of directors of the Hartselle Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Tankersley is very active in civic and religious affairs, including membership on the board of deacons of the Fairview Church of God.
2003 –September 24, Dwight Tankersley has sold T &T Auto Supply to O'Reilly's Auto Parts.
2003 –September 25, Solutia is one of Morgan County's most public-spirited corporations. The plant manager is heading up the 2003 United Way fund drive. Mark Mizell of Hartselle, a graduate in business administration from Athens State University, is an employee of this firm as a chemical operator.
1978 –September 26, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Drake make their home at 302 Rock Street. They are the parents of five children, two daughters, Mrs. Pat Crow of Hartselle and Mrs. Marie LaMay of Tuscaloosa, and three sons, Bobby Drake of Decatur and Mike and Bill Drake who reside here in Hartselle.
1972 –September 27, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smelser are new residents of Hartselle.
2003 –September 27, Bill Smelser, an Amoco Chemicals retiree from the position of relief foreman, is a deacon at East Highlands Baptist Church.
1980 –September 28, Kenny Thompson is preparing to be sworn in for his first term as a member of the Hartselle City Council. (Mr. Thompson served from 1980-1992 and will soon begin a 2004-2008 term.)
1950 –September 29, Brothers Samie and Billy Wiley have enlisted in the U.S. Army.
1963 –September 29, Samie and Billy Wiley are now operating Hartselle Frozen Foods on Main Street. There are five other Morgan County firms engaged in this type of business.