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Thanks for your support
I would like to thank the residents of Hartselle for generously participating in our annual Caring Day. The city of Hartselle collected 2,000 canned items, 55 turkeys and two hams were donated by our merchants and purchased with money donated by churches and businesses. Because of your community efforts, needy families in the Hartselle area will have a meal for the holidays.
All this could not have happened without your help. Thank you for caring.
I would also like to thank the people that volunteered this year to make this event a success. A very special "thank you" goes out to Mayor Dwight Tankersley, Byron Turney and the Public Works Department, Mark Mizell, Bill Smelser, Dick Carter and Derrick Woodall, Denis Taylor with BFI, Virginia Alexander with the Caring Place, MeLee Laney with the City of Hartselle Personnel Department and Betty Parker who helped to organize the event.
Thank you for taking part in a very special event.
Susan Seibert
Administrative Clerk
Department of Development
City of Hartselle
Commission is no better off
It comes as no surprise that Commissioner (Stacy Lee) George's first priority after being reelected is to get rid of (Bill) Shinn as county attorney. Right or wrong, George owes a debt to a young man that followed him throughout his campaign and was being introduced as his "legal advisor."
Mr. George was paying Dwight Jett on an hourly basis. It would be interesting to see if Commissioner George has any cancelled checks for Mr. Jett's service.
It looks like it will be politics as usual with the commission, but now we have a fox guarding the hen house.
G.B. Tolbert