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Questions swirl around school board
I listen to a lot of talk radio while driving across this beautiful country. Almost every week, I hear a statement from teachers that they spend anywhere from $6 – $1,000 a year, out of their own money, to provide classroom supplies for their students.
I ask myself why? With things going on locally and nationwide, I can see easily how this happens.
Now, at the last school board meeting, Dr. (Lee) Hartsell made a statement regarding myself, that is not factual, for I do keep good records. He stated that when the cheerleader fiasco was taking place, he sent me a letter stating that there was a packet at the central office for me to pick up, and that I never picked it up. He never stated that in the letter, that I have. Plus, he mailed me the information regarding the cheerleader program, which I have.
Regarding 205 Booth Street property owned by Hartselle High School, he reluctantly omitted several answers that should not have to be researched.
One. Is the person living there for free, i.e. rent, utilities, cable, etc.? He did state in his response to my letter that the person living there gets a $200 a month "fringe benefit."
Dr. Hartsell also stated in his first response letter to me that no money has been spent on the property located at 205 Booth Street by the Board of Education.
I responded that the school has owned the property for many years, and surely there had to have been some repairs over the years. His response to that letter was that the research on the dwelling would cost me $306.
Two very conflicting statements on a simple request.
Reportedly, Bill Shinn stated that there needs to be someone close to the school. Should that person live there for free? Not in my opinion, and many, many others, as well. Now, I can see clearly why the school board is so opposed to a state audit.
Why do we hire teachers that almost immediately go on extended maternity leave for the rest of the school year with full benefits? Why do we purchase property to allow people to possibly live free of living expenses? Why do teachers pay union dues to a very questionable union, when they have to buy supplies for their classroom? Why is the majority of the school board and some central office personnel opposed to a state audit?
Mike Dowdy
Looking back at happy times
The years have passed so swiftly since 1965 when we came to Hartselle to reside. As we reflect on the years there, and in Falkville previously, happy memories flood over us.
You were people who opened your hearts and received us warmly. You supported us in good times and hard times. We grew in our faith through your churches, educated our children through your schools, enjoyed our associations socially, and joined with you in promoting civic clubs and projects.
A special appreciation to each director, employee and customer who made the progress and success of American Bank and Trust, First Alabama and Regions banks a reality. Each was a part of the whole. Our years with Colonial Bank were a positive part of our lives.
In 1996, we came to our "Golden Pond" on Weiss Lake in Centre to help in the care of Peggy's mother and mentally handicapped sister. Our love of Hartselle was always a drawing force in our hearts.
We enjoyed returning for a brief time to Hartselle and spending time with many of you. For each person who helped us during this time, we say thank you.
Now we are on a journey that is not of our choosing and that we do not wish to take. In 2002, Alton was diagnosed with Alzheimers disease. He has progressed slowly in the disease, thanks to the medicines available to dementia patients. Our faith in God and the love of our family and friends are sustaining us through this difficult time.
The doctor has told us we need to get near our family. We will soon be moving near our daughter, Janet, and her family. Our address there will be 341 S Via De Los Rosales, Tucson, AZ 85711. We would enjoy hearing from you.
We wish the best for each of you.
Peggy and Alton Bartlett
Soldier's parents thank community
As parents of PFC Ryan Morgan stationed in Iraq, we would like to publicly thank Ellen Hodgen, Joe Walters, the students at Crestline Elementary School and all of the other teachers and parents who supported the idea and effort of sending boxes of goodies to the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Also a very sincere thank you to the American Legion and other individuals and groups for your donations for postage so that these items could be sent. We also would like to thank the women from the First United Methodist, Forrest Chapel United Methodist, and our community for praying over and sending 56 hand-crocheted toboggans.
We heard from our son this past Thanksgiving Day. Our family passed around the phone and joked with him about eating the traditional Thanksgiving dinner and how good it was because it was mentioned on the TV news.
With a somewhat good humor, he said that where he was located was still too unstable for that and that they were eating MRE's; he told us to tell everyone to enjoy it for him.
On Sunday, we heard from him again (via cell phone) and his voice was very excited. He said that he and the other soldiers had received the boxes that had been sent and they were very grateful. One of the soldiers even commented, "I think I'll move to Hartselle!"
Again, thanks to all who sent them a little bit of home and Hartselle.
Mike and Jan Morgan