A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
Here are holiday reminiscences from years past.
1948 -Dec.16, Mrs. R. H. McClanahan gave a lovely party for her daughter, Jane, Saturday afternoon, the occasion being Jane's fourth birthday. The children played for about an hour, and then Santa Claus arrived and distributed presents to each one.
1953 -Dec. 16, The Current Review Club met this afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. T. Stewart, Jr. A Christmas story, "How Come Christmas?" was effectively presented by Mrs. Joe (Lib) Speake.
1956 -Dec. 17, The Wesleyan Service Guild of the First Methodist Church held its Christmas party tonight at the home of Mrs. Clyde Stewart on Hickory Street.
1956 -Dec.18, The eighth annual Kid's Day was a rousing success. Lloyd Logan was the general chairman for the program that guaranteed more than 500 children would indeed have a memorable Christmas.
1946 -Dec. 19, Hugh H. Pattillo, a student at the Gulf Coast Military Academy, will arrive home Friday to spend the holiday vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Van Pattillo.
1954 -Dec.19, Jimmy Paul Atkins, grandson of Mrs. Mary L. Atkins, Hartselle 2, found some Christmas seals from 1937 while on a visit with her. Although a widow and living on a very limited income, Mrs. Atkins always buys Christmas seals as a way to give to TB patients as much as she possibly can.
1945 -Dec. 20, Arthur Bean of the U.S. Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Bean, recently arrived in San Francisco, Calif., from Japan following active duty. He is expected home for Christmas.
1954 -Dec. 20, Hartselle API students home for the Christmas holidays include Bobby Carl Francis, Ted Gibson, Peggy Groover, Sam Houston, Wayne Lyle, Charles Mayes, Edward Lacy Monroe, Robert Orr, Nancy Pattillo, Robert Peck, Bette Kay Poole, Charles Quinn, Frank Stewart, Don Stephenson, Wayne and Jackie Summerford, and Joe Thompson.
1956 -Dec. 21, Decatur's Cornelian Hotel dining room is offering a bountiful Christmas luncheon-turkey and dressing, Virginia baked ham, Southern fried chicken, country fried chicken, and multiple vegetables. All of this can be had for the sum of 75 cents.