A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
Feb. 3, 1955-Lloyd McAbee, Hartselle 3, is a patient at Decatur General Hospital.
Feb. 3, 1955-Dr. W. H. Block is participating in a scientific program in Decatur being sponsored by the Alabama Heart Association. (Dr. Block later served as its president.)
Feb. 4, 1955-Students at Hartselle Elementary School are having a successful March of Dimes campaign. Professor F. E. Burleson's sixth-graders have more than $125 to show for their efforts thus far. Class leaders include Brenda Aldridge, Jimmy Plemons, Doug Turney, and Wanda Wagnon.
Feb. 4, 1955-MCHS's FFA Quartet is putting in many hours of practice in preparation for the county contest later this month. The group is composed of Don Cordar, D. C. Holloway, Mike Roberts, and Robert Slate, with Nancy Burleson as pianist.
Feb. 5, 1955- Misses Merle Freeman and Lizzie Reed Penn and Mrs. Carl Pattillo were in Montgomery recently to attend the Huntingdon College alumnae banquet.
Feb. 5, 1955-Charles Ray is now with Bell Telephone in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Feb. 6, 1955-Marine Pvt. Isaac Maze will soon complete his recruit training at Parris Island, S.C. Private Maze's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Maze, live on Hartselle 3.
Feb. 6, 1955-On account of his excellent grades, Robert Peck is a solid prospect for making this quarter's dean's list at Auburn.
Feb. 7, 1955-Numbers enrolled in Scout Troop 92 in Hartselle are increasingly substantially at present, mostly due to the leadership of leader Jim Cain.
Feb. 7, 1955-Scotty Stone, a bachelor's degree candidate at William and Mary College, will go to Switzerland soon as a participant in the Experiment in International Living program. Scotty will be in Switzerland for two months.
Feb. 8, 1955-The way he is playing right now, Jimmy Higdon, MCHS star basketballer, will be a heavy favorite for all-county honors when tournament time arrives.