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School choice was correct one
I've been around Hartselle for quite some time, born in 1922. My mother, Bessie Will Brindley Summers, was a third grade teacher at F.E. Burleson Elementary School in Hartselle for 20 years. She started teaching in Dothan but was there only for one year. At that time Johnny Mack Brown was there. He later played football for The University of Alabama.
I am writing to say how happy I am about the choice that was made for the Hartselle City School superintendent, William M. Reed.
I had something to do with the selection of our first city superintendent, Carlton Smith, (a real good one) and there has only been one more, Lee Hartsell.
I believe it is much better to hire a qualified outsider for the job rather than a local candidate. Promoting from within was the thing to do for the police and fire chiefs. My view is that it's right to bring in an outsider for the superintendent of education who doesn't know all the "who done what to whom things" in the past.
Ed Summers