Renovations on menu for area schools
By Staff
Clif Knight, Hartselle Enquirer
Plans are under way to renovate the cafeterias at Hartselle High and Hartselle Junior High schools, replace the flooring in the junior high gym and upgrade the heating and cooling system at Crestline Elementary School, Dr. Lee Hartsell, superintendent, reported to the school board at its meeting Jan. 27.
"A meeting has been scheduled with an architect," Hartsell said, "and we hope to have these projects ready to bid in March and awarded in April."
He said old, outdated kitchen equipment will be replaced in both cafeterias. Some electrical and plumbing work will be required and the ceiling will be replaced in the high school cafeteria. The cost of these two projects is estimated at $700,000. Work will be done during summer vacation.
The gym floor at HJHS will be replaced with a synthetic surface and the heating and cooling unit serving the back hallway area of Crestline will be replaced.
Hartsell pointed out the estimated cost of all four projects is $810,000. This money will come from the school system's surplus fund, leaving a balance of approximately $200,000.
The board acted on recommendations of Superintendent Hartsell as follows:
The board acted on personnel items as follows: