Looking back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
March 24, 1955 -Hartselle Chevy dealer Bill Stewart began showing a new line of trucks today. According to advance publicity, the new vehicles "combine a striking appearance with genuine utility."
March 24, 1955 -Numerous Hartselle teachers were in attendance tonight at the AEA convention in Birmingham where Governor James E. Folsom was the featured speaker. The governor told the teachers that ideas for increased funding for salaries and facilities would have to come from the Legislature.
March 25, 1955 -An increasing number of Hartselle mothers are taking employment, as available, outside their homes. Nationally it is estimated that more than a fourth of moms with children under 18 are now on someone's payroll. Garment plants are increasingly the employer of choice.
March 26, 1955 -Kids all over Hartselle are singing, "Davy, Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier." This ballad is now the best-selling record in the U.S.
March 27, 1955 -Dr. and Mrs. T. B. Collum will take charge of the building and facilities belonging to Dr. J. A. Howle tomorrow. The clinic will be known in the future as the Collum Clinic. Dr. Howle, 87, is planning to practice on a limited scale and will keep an office in the building.
March 28, 1955-Governor James E. Folsom today declared an emergency in Morgan County and 11 other north Alabama counties because of flood damage to highways.
March 28, 1955 -Lawson Lynn, an active member of Hartselle's John F. Thompson American Legion post, was elected today as adjutant for the Alabama Department of the American Legion. His full-time employment is as an auditor for the State Military Department.
March 29, 1955 -Douglas Moss is now fully recovered from the surgery he underwent at Hartselle hospital several weeks ago.
March 30, 1955 -A lot of Hartselle television sets were tuned into the Academy Awards broadcast tonight. The winning picture, "On the Waterfront" with Marlon Brando, was not a local favorite.