Busy children are happy ones
By Staff
Michelle Blaylock, Mom's Corner
We had a terrific spring break and Easter! It was busy. (Can't imagine why that would be.) The kids and I dyed Easter eggs, went skating, watched movies, played outside, invited friends over, and went to the park twice.
Like I told you a couple of weeks ago, I have to plan breaks or I end up with bored children and bored children get into trouble. I truly believe busy kids are happy kids.
This week I wanted to share a few of the various tips that readers have shared with me over the last few months and some I've discovered on my own.
I have many readers who just stop me here and there and give me a tip, but not a name. So when I can I've noted who shared the tip with me and I'm sorry if I've left anyone out. Please email or write me and I'll be happy to give credit where credit is due!
My newest favorite tip comes from two ladies, C.P. and B. L. They both recommended a web site called Flylady.net. I checked it out and loved it. It is perfect for people (like me) who are trying hard to keep their house in order and are committed to de-cluttering. The "FLY Lady," which means "Finally Loving Yourself," sends you daily emails that give you direction, as well as tips to help keep yourself in a great frame of mind. I was amazed to find that I was already doing several things she suggests! I guess that means I'm on the right track.
The next tip is concerning the temporary tattoos kids love. It was shared with me by M.G. Have you ever tried to scrub those things off? I have and I hate it. She simply covers the tattoo with clear tape and then pulls the tape off. The first time it will take off the tattoo. The second time it will take the glue off that held the tattoo on. No more scrubbing. Yeah!
This next idea comes from a lady in a store who stopped me and said she pours her children's dry cereal into the bowl the night before and covers it with plastic wrap. She also puts a small container of milk on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. While she gets dressed the next morning, her children are responsible for pouring the milk on their cereal and eating their breakfast.
The next two tips deal with painting. I've been doing quite a bit of it. (Yippee.)
Anyway, I ran into the problem of frequently getting interrupted. I can't imagine why that would be, after all I just have six kids, two dogs, two parakeets, three rabbits, and a hubby! Why on earth would I get interrupted?
Well, the point is that if you leave your roller or brush for any length of time they dry and then you're stuck with a worthless roller or brush. I found if I slip them into a plastic bag they don't dry out as quickly and I can easily go back to painting. I use zip lock bags for brushes and garbage bags for rollers. I've even left them overnight and been able to use them the next day.
Another problem I have with painting is clean up. I hate washing out the rollers.
Of course, you can buy the cheap ones and just toss them, which is the easiest way to deal with the problem. However, I have a power painter whose rollers are expensive. I have to wash them out.
Do you know that a roller can hold enough paint to keep you rinsing it for at least two hours, but you still couldn't have used that same roller to paint a 2 x 2 foot section of wall? That drives me crazy!
Well, in a fit of frustration, after I had rinsed the roller as well as I could, but was still getting tinted water out of it, I threw the roller in my washing machine with a full load of water and detergent.
Yes, my washing machine. It worked! The roller came out looking brand new. What a concept.
As a reminder, it is the time of year our thoughts turn to things like spring cleaning, gardening, sports, and daylight-saving time. OK, well, maybe not daylight-saving time, but it happens whether or not we think about it! I wonder how many people across the United States are late for church because of it? I personally find it annoying. Fortunately, now I don't have to worry about it because our TV and computer change automatically.
For those who don't have that advantage, here's my tip.
As soon as you realize the next Sunday is daylight-saving time, pick a clock in your home that you see constantly and reset it. I used our microwave clock so I was reminded all week that I needed to reset the rest of the clocks on Saturday night. I would also place notes on my refrigerator and my bathroom mirror as soon as I realized the next Sunday was time to change the clocks.
I hope you find these tips helpful. If you have a tip or question, please send it to Mom's Corner; P.O. Box 1496; Hartselle, AL 35640 or e-mail: moms-corner@juno.com.