Looking back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
April 28, 1955 -Residents of southwest Morgan County are gradually getting their lives back together after the disastrous tornado of Sunday that left four dead, 20 injured, and inflicted property damage in excess of one million dollars. This storm followed other disasters in this vicinity in 1932 (31 killed, 81 injured) and 1952 (4 dead, 60 hurt). McKendree and Lebanon churches are being used to feed victims of the storm and the workers helping them recover.
April 28, 1955 -Four teenagers have been arrested by Morgan County Sheriff Jimmie Collier for vandalism against and theft of property from the farm of Hartselle businessman Ratliff Hardwick.
April 29, 1955 -Several Hartselle residents are involved in activities related to Huntsville's current celebration of its sesquicentennial. A steadily increasing number of local residents live here but work at Redstone.
April 29, 1955 -Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lee, Jr., are getting settled into their beautiful new Turney Woods residence. It offers many modern conveniences.
April 30, 1955 -Doris Havener, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. John Havener of East Main Street, Hartselle, was married earlier this month to Philip Francis in Washington, D.C.
May 1, 1955 -W. M. Sandlin, a resident of Hartselle 2, has found a good spot to catch Crappie, Foxes Creek. Luther Sparkman of the Oak Ridge community frequently accompanies Mr. Sandlin on his fishing trips.
May 2, 1955 -API President Ralph B. Draughon is urging Auburn alumni throughout the state to contact their legislators and urge them to support considerably higher appropriations for the school, about $1.5 million more each year.
May 3, 1955 -The Hartselle group supporting the Alabama Chapter of Crippled Children and Adults raised about $650 in their recent campaign led by Mrs. Lucia Lee and Mrs. Jimmy Yarbrough.
May 4, 1955 -Joy Broom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Broom, will be the student leader of athletics at Judson College next fall.