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Families thank community
We wish to thank our community for your loving care following our recent car accident in Mobile while attending the Alabama Sports Festival.
The prayers, love and support helped us not only get through this difficult time, but also to be uplifted spiritually as well. We can all rejoice in knowing God's angels were at work in protecting all of us on the Sunday morning.
It is in times like these that we are especially grateful to live in Hartselle where people are always willing to help in times of need.
We will never forget everyone who helped us through this tragic experience.
We would appreciate you prayers as we continue to heal.
The Hill, Sittason and Starr families
Exchange students add to family
I have recently begun working as a local coordinator for CIEE (Council on International Education Exchange), and I've learned that the world can be made better through this experience. Until you have had the experience, you cannot imagine how rewarding it is to bring the world into your own home and to see the bond being created between a host family and a teenager from another part of the world. Hosting these students promotes understanding, acquiring knowledge, and learning skills needed to live in our culturally diverse world.
By having these students live with our families, we break down the barriers that divide people, not only across international borders, but also within our own community.
It's a great opportunity to experience another country without leaving your home. The rewards your family will reap are unlimited.
I urge everyone to consider the possibility of volunteering to host an exchange student. More information about the program can be found on CIEE's website: www.ciee.org, and also by contacting me at 353-1831 or email amysydney@yahoo.com. I would be happy to help anyone that's interested.
Amy Norris