Looking back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
July 28, 1955 -Mrs. Price Tyler and her sister, Christine White of Pearl River, N.Y., won a $5,000 jackpot prize in a personal appearance on the "Welcome Travelers" TV giveaway program this morning. They cracked the jackpot by identifying the inventor of the self-starter (Charles Kettering). Included in the jackpot were a trip to Spain, two thousand in savings bonds, an Amana home freezer, an automatic gas range, etc.
July 29, 1955 -Bids for the ambitious new Hartselle paving project will be accepted at a session of the mayor and city council scheduled for this afternoon. Homeowners living along the southern terminus of High Street, Ivey Street, Haig Street, Longhorn Pass, and Corsbie Street will be taken out of the mud and onto pavement.
July 30, 1955 -Carolyn Johnson, a student at David Lipscomb College in Nashville, is spending the weekend in Hartselle with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Johnson.
July 31, 1955 -Today was homecoming at Hartselle's First Baptist Church. The celebration was held at the site of the new church building, now under construction on North Sparkman Street. The church pastor is the Rev. D. C. Stringfellow.
August 1, 1955 -John Michael and James Howell Broom are brand new members of the Horace Broom family, having made their appearance earlier tonight at Decatur General Hospital. Mike and Jim, as they are to be called, weighed nearly six pounds each.
August 1, 1955 -Mrs. Charles (Rachel) Oden celebrated her birthday with family and friends today. (Mrs. Oden passed away on June 29, 2005.)
August 2, 1955 -A youth-led revival is in progress at the Hartselle armory. Junior Hill, not too long ago a leading MCHS football player, is doing the preaching while Ila Jo Wallace is directing singing for the meeting.
August 3, 1955 -MCHS Principal J. C. Pettey has been in Montgomery most of this week participating in meetings of the Alabama Principals' Association.