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Free clinic deserves support
I would like to ask all Hartselle residents who have used the services of and/or recoginize the critical need for the service in our community to please contact the Hartselle City Council and let them know we want them to continue to support the Community Free Clinic as they did last year.
The clinic provides free healthcare and medications to the uninsured in Morgan County that meet the eligibilty requirments, serving only patients who have no medical insurance. In just the first year of operation we already have realized an impact on the lives of many which resulted in improving their health and quality of life and enabled many who haven't been able to work due to illness to get back in the workforce.
I have been told by some patients that when they get back on their feet and are able, they will return to the clinic to volunteer, since it has impacted their lives so much. If you would like to volunteer, call 256-309-5727.
Milly Patterson