Looking back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
Sept. 1, 1955 -Falkville schools opened today. This was later than in the past because the usual three-week cotton picking fall break in studies has been eliminated.
Sept. 1, 1955 -Many from Hartselle went to Wally Fowler's all-night singing program at Decatur High School tonight. Featured were Hovie Lister and the Statesmen, the Blackwood Brothers, and the Louvin Brothers.
Sept. 2, 1955 -Members of the American Legion will end their meeting tonight with bingo games. A jackpot of $25 will be offered on the last game.
Sept. 3, 1955 -Charles Ray and Hugh Summerford of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, are spending the Labor Day weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Ray and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Summerford.
Sept. 3, 1955 -J. P. Dunaway, who has been employed by the TVA for many years, has accepted a position in Tullahoma, Tennessee, on a government project. For the present, Mrs. Dunaway and daughter, Katherine Anne, will remain in Hartselle, Mr. Dunaway coming home on weekends.
Sept. 4, 1955 -Jack Hoffhaus, editor and publisher of the Enquirer, has been named Hartselle chairman of the United Fund appeal.
Sept. 5, 1955 -His classmates are extending their "sympathies" to Wayne Barclift who mistakenly bought a second year algebra book when he is actually only in his first year studying this subject.
Sept. 5, 1955 -A new feature, "Get Acquainted Week," began today at Morgan County High School. It will conclude Friday. Nancy Jo Burleson is general chairman. Co-chairmen are Virginia Fitzgerald, Katherine Anne Dunaway, Peggy Alvis, and Eddie Roy.
Sept. 5, 1955 -Hal Butler left today for Jacksonville where he will attend Jacksonville State Teachers College this year.
Sept. 6, 1955 -Even as they are praying for his speedy recovery, classmates are teasing Skipper Drinkard for trying to get out of school by having his appendix taken out.
Sept.7, 1955 -Bobby White will be in the Auburn contingent leaving this week.