Looking back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
Sept. 8, 1955 -Hartselle has a new black Chevy sedan police car. It's a four-door, eight-cylinder vehicle with a power-pack four-barrel carburetor and twin exhausts. Potential law violators should be warned in advance that the new car can hit 90 mph in 19 seconds. Its top speed is somewhere above 110 mph.
Sept. 8, 1955 -The Young Peoples Training Union of First Baptist Church had a party tonight. Those in attendance included Ila Jo Wallace, Jo Anne McKee, Wanda Gatlin, Sherry Vest, Sue Templeton, Virginia Ann and Ruth Gayle Cost, J. E. Bishop, Junior Hill, Max Merrill, and Bobby Ray Hicks.
Sept. 9, 1955 -Probable starters in tonight's opening Tiger football game against Scottsboro include Joe Wright and David Buckelew (ends), Bobby Cooper and Tom Ed Roberts (tackles), Billy Don Aldridge (center), Franklin Dean and Ike Groover (guards), Don Cordar and Robert Mayfield (halfbacks), Karl Estes (fullback), and Bobby Shaneyfelt (quarterback).
Sept. 9, 1955 -A second drivers' license examiner has been added in Hartselle. There had been a situation here of more applicants for drivers' licenses than the single examiner could process in a day.
Sept.10, 1955 -Virginia Roberts and Rhona Howell will leave later this week for Montgomery to enter Huntingdon College as freshmen.
Sept. 10, 1955 -Peoples Drug still seems to be the gathering place after school.
Sept. 11, 1955 -Mrs. Gordon Groover is managing the Hartselle Elementary School cafeteria this year.
Sept.11, 1955 -Jean Young, veteran local beauty operator, has returned to the staff of Tanner's Beauty Shop after having worked the past few months in Tuscaloosa.
Sept.12, 1955 -The G. G. Nicholsons will soon move into the home formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomas on South Sparkman Street.
Sept. 13, 1955 -At its meeting tonight the Hartselle City Council approved Fire Chief Comer Henderson's request for permission to order a new small rubber hose to replace a worn-out line on the fire truck.
Sept. 14, 1955 -Rachel and Charlie Oden celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary today.