Looking back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
Sept. 15, 1955 -Paul Kyker became the new Hartselle police chief effective today. M. L. Looney, who has been chief for four years, will remain on the force and is transferring to the number 3 shift from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
Sept. 15, 1955 -Majorettes at MCHS this season are Linda Padgett, Martha Roberts, Patty Jane Montgomery, Martha Stewart (head), Jo Cordar, Patsy Lambert, and Nancy Jo Burleson.
Sept. 16, 1955
-A motorcade will leave MCHS at 6:15 tonight, its destination being the Athens stadium where Hartselle will play a key TVC football game. Tackle Tom Ed Roberts, who was very impressive in the Scottsboro game last week, has a sore thigh muscle but will nevertheless be in the starting lineup.
Sept. 17, 1955 -Max Merrill, Jimmy Cain, and Carl Penn, students at the University of Alabama, are spending the weekend here with homefolks. Billy Sims of Florence State Teachers College is also here until classes resume Monday.
Sept. 17, 1955 -Virginia Ann Bristol of Lampasas, Texas, and Hartselle native Joe Bailey Betterton were married tonight in the bride's home state.
Sept. 18, 1955 -Among the large group of students leaving this week for Auburn for the beginning of classes are Sarah Ann Thompson, Frank Stewart, Edward Lacy Monroe, Robert Peck, Billy Evans, Charles Quinn, John Howell, and Bobby Carl Francis.
Sept. 18, 1955 -Rev. E. M. Barnes, Jr., is returning to the Hartselle First Methodist Church for a fourth year as pastor.
September 19, 1955 -Burl Hardwick is about to begin work on two structures on his property on U.S. 31 in northwest Hartselle. He will build a home, estimated to cost $11,000, and a service station for $3,000.
Sept. 20, 1955 -In city court today five speeders were fined eight dollars each. Five who were publicly drunk were assessed 18 dollars each.
Sept. 21, 1955 -Cpl. Jack McClanahan is now back in the States following a 17-months tour of duty overseas, most of which was spent at Seoul, South Korea.