Sheriff's office launches web site
By Staff
Staff Reports, Hartselle Enquirer
Morgan County Sheriff's Department has joined the information age with a new web site.
The web site, launched last week, is designed to provide an array of information to area residents.
The new site,, has a list of Morgan County's most wanted, answers to frequently asked questions and a searchable list of registered sex offenders in the county.
That list is especially valuable now that Halloween is approaching, according to Sheriff Greg Bartlett. Bartlett said he hopes parents look at the site and the addresses and make sure the areas their children are visiting area safe.
The site contains the offender names, physical descriptions and photographs, as well as map to show the approximate location of where the offender lives. Offenders in Morgan County can be searched by name, city or address. Address searches will display all of the offenders within 1 mile of the given address on the map.
The service is available to anyone 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The site also has an automatic email alert option that will allow an email to be sent to the applicants with a list of all offenders who live within a one-mile radius of an address.