Looking back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
Dec. 11, 1955 -Christmas, already much in evidence in all of the stores up and down Hartselle's main row, will further envelop the town in atmosphere next week when the Christmas light stringers are installed over the streets.
Dec. 1, 1955 -Mrs. Luther Roberts entertained with a supper tonight in honor of the eleventh birthday of her daughter, Edna Carol.
Dec.1, 1955 -Johnny Cain, UA student from Hartselle, is among the 31 Capstoners named to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. A senior in the College of Arts and Sciences, Cain is a past president of A &S.
Dec. 2, 1955 -Mary Nell Groover, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gordon Groover, wed Charles Edward Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Smith, at the First Methodist Church of Hartselle tonight.
Dec. 3, 1955 -The Hartselle Livestock Company, after a six-week lapse, resumed its weekly stock auctions at the sale barn this morning. R. A. Payne is the owner of this business.
Dec. 3, 1955 -The WSCS of McKendree Methodist Church held their annual country store at the former Black Furniture building this morning. There was a brisk business in hens, butter, cakes, pies, handiwork, etc.
Dec. 4, 1955 -The postmaster advises that out-of-town Christmas cards should be mailed just as soon as possible.
Dec. 5, 1955 -One of the highlights of this Christmas season will be the wedding in a little over two weeks of Ila Jo Wallace and James Edward Bishop at First Baptist Church. Ila Jo is the lovely daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wallace.
Dec. 6, 1955 -Alabama voters were called on to ballot on 30 constitutional amendments today. All except the first five applied only to one named county. All the amendments were defeated. The biggest negative majority was polled on the measure calling for higher property taxes. (Fifty years ago the Enquirer editorialized for a new state Constitution.)
Dec. 6, 1955 -Bobby Cain, a junior at MCHS, is Morgan County's "Voice of Democracy" oratorical contest winner. He delivered his prize speech, "I Speak for Democracy," today in Decatur. Miss Lizzie Reed Penn was Bobby's sponsor in the contest.
Dec. 7, 1955 -Members of the Hartselle Culture Club are making final preparations for their upcoming Christmas luncheon. The efforts of Mrs. E. M. Barnes, Jr., and Mrs. Pierce Pattillo will undoubtedly ensure the party's success.