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Board member should set example
In September 2005, Hartselle city schools implemented new state-mandated nutrition policies, which govern the foods served to our children during school hours. Parents were notified in writing that we are prohibited from providing "any food or beverage that has sugar or high fructose corn syrup listed as the first ingredient on the label…." for functions on school premises. To that end, many parents have stretched their imaginations, budgets, and patience trying to provide child-friendly alternatives to the usual party fare of sugar-laden bakery cupcakes and cookies. We have met this new challenge with great success: The buffets at my children's recent school parties rivaled Martha Stewart in their originality, and were enjoyed by parents and children alike.
Consequently, such celebrations were spoiled when parents witnessed a school board member blatantly disregarding the new policies by serving bakery cupcakes to a class instead of the approved items.
This member's actions were a gross insult to all of the parents, students, and teachers who have worked so diligently to comply with the new policies, and left many to wonder: Should we construe these actions by our school board members as ignorance of the law, arrogance in their positions as supposed leaders of our system, or both?
This board's repeated alienation of the parents who support our schools is growing tiresome, and certainly does not reflect well on those board members with political aspirations.
Effective leadership begins at home, with leaders who choose to abide by the law, and not to circumvent it.
Pamela A. Ramey