A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
March 9, 1956 -The official grand opening of the new Strickland Drug Company is being held today and tomorrow. The ultra-modern drug store is located at the corner of Sparkman and Main, for many years the site of the D. W. McNeill clothing store.
March 9, 1956 -Despite being the capital of rocket research in the United States, Huntsville, where many Hartselle people are employed, has not yet attained the rank of target area. This was the word from Paul Brunson, assistant state director of civil defense, who spoke at MCHS yesterday.
March 10, 1956 -Bobby Ray Hicks a UA student, is spending the weekend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hicks.
March 10, 1956 -Joe Speake is a medical patient at Hartselle Hospital.
March 11, 1956 -The Hartselle mayor and council want to hire a new fireman-and fast-if a good man will come along. Garland Nuby has resigned from the force.
March 11, 1956 -Mr. and Mrs. Guy Roberts and sons, Mike and Larry, were in Huntsville today to visit Dr. and Mrs. John Lary and sons.
March 12, 1956 -Patsy Lambert won first place recently in the Civitan junior oratorical contest. She was sponsored by Mrs. Ernest Greer, MCHS English teacher.
March 13, 1956 -The Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow award was given recently to Mary Grace Morrow, one of many talented MCTS students who have been recognized lately.
March 14, 1956 -Earl Cook, Jr. is continuing to recover from injuries he sustained a few nights ago when his car, a 1956 Chevy, overturned on Sparkman Street.
March 15, 1956 -Today is the opening day to receive bids for construction of the new 20-bed Block-Chandler Hospital. Dr. W. H. Block, who has practiced medicine in Hartselle for 19 years, will have as his partner Dr. David Chandler, a flight surgeon who will receive his Air Force discharge in a few months.
March 15, 1956 -Mrs. Joe Burleson, wife of Col. Burleson who is now stationed in Paris, France, is critically ill at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D.C.
March 15, 1956 -Ruis Orr has been chosen by his fellow members as the president of the Science Explorers Club at MCTS.