The Somerville Town Council regular meeting was held May 8.
By Staff
Present: Mayor Ray Long; Council Members Opal Mooneyham, Bobbie Jackson, Darren Tucker, Rodger McClure; Town Clerk Regina Long; Chief Joe Mann, Court Clerk Carolyn Henson.
Council Member Jackie Teague was unable to attend meeting.
Visitors: Judy McClure and Bobby Lawrence.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Long.
Darren Tucker began the meeting with prayer.
Minutes from the April 10 regular meeting was approved on a motion by Mooneyham and a second by Tucker. A roll call vote was taken: Mooneyham- yea, Jackson- yea, Tucker- yea, McClure-abstain, Mayor Long- yea. McClure abstained because he was unable to attend the April 10 meeting.
The financial statement for the month ending April 2006 was approved on a motion by McClure and a second by Jackson. A roll call vote was taken with all in favor.
The police activity report for the month ending April 2006 was presented to the council and discussed.
Ordinance 2006-08 (Amendment to Ordinance 2006-01 Section 7 Rear Tag Required) was presented to the council and discussed. There was unanimous consent on a motion by McClure and a second by Tucker to suspend the rules and vote on the ordinance. A roll call vote was taken: Mooneyham- yea, Jackson- yea, Tucker- yea, McClure- yea, and Mayor Long- yea.
A motion was made by Tucker and a second by McClure to adopt Ordinance 2006-08. A roll call vote was taken: Mooneyham- yea, Jackson- yea, Tucker- yea, McClure- yea, and Mayor Long- yea.
Ordinance 2006-08 was posted at the following locations for five days: Somerville Town Hall, Somerville Grocery and Ken's Korner.
A motion was made by McClure and a second by Jackson for the town clerk to pay the monthly bills. A roll call vote was taken with all in favor.
After discussion by the council a motion was made by McClure and a second by Tucker to close Spring Street from West Street to Franklin Street. A roll call vote was taken: Mooneyham- yea, Jackson-abstain, Tucker- yea, McClure- yea, and Mayor Long- yea. Jackson abstained because Spring Street runs along her property line.
McClure made a motion to adjourn this meeting; a second was made by Tucker. A roll call vote was taken with all in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.