A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
June 1, 1956-Family and friends are eagerly awaiting the return to Hartselle later this summer of Lt. and Mrs. Harold McClanahan. Lieutenant McClanahan is currently stationed in Denver. (Carolyn Stewart McClanahan passed away on May 18, 2006.)
June 1, 1956 -Mary Grace Morrow, graduating senior at MCTS, was recognized last night for perfect attendance throughout her 12 years in elementary and high school. She was also salutatorian for her class. (The valedictorian was Sam Chatman.) Nineteen other students received diplomas from Principal I. F. Stallworth at the end of graduation exercises.
June 1, 1956 -Dr. John Davis Johnston, widely known Hartselle dentist, has died. Dr. Johnston is best remembered for being one of the most prominent people involved in the notorious bank robbery of 30 years ago. On the evening of the crime the dentist was shot in the leg when he went outside his office to ascertain what the commotion at the Bank of Hartselle was all about.
June 2, 1956 -Charles Jackson Quinn of Hartselle received a B.S. in business administration during spring quarter graduation exercises at API today.
June 3, 1956 -Mayor John Burleson has obtained permission from state highway officials to resurface Main Street almost all the way through Hartselle. Main Street is also Highway 33, a state route.
June 3, 1956 -Piggly Wiggly is offering a large box of Tide washing powder for 25 cents.
June 4, 1956 -Hubert Mitchell announced today that he had sold the Ranch Caf/ property in north Hartselle to Eugene Newman for the purpose of converting it into a radio station.
June 5, 1956 – Dr. David Chandler began his association with the new Block-Chandler Hospital today. He will be here for a brief period, after which he will close out his term of service as a medical officer in the Air Force. Dr. Chandler will assume permanent Hartselle residence on August 1.
June 6, 1956 – Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Roberts and daughters, Virginia and Martha Lynn, are currently enjoying a vacation in Daytona Beach, Florida.
June 7, 1956 – J. B. Warren has accepted a position as math teacher on the faculty at Danville High School for next year.