The regular bi-monthly meeting of the Priceville Town Council was held on Thursday, May 11 at the Priceville Municipal Building.
By Staff
Mayor Melvin Duran called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Mayor Melvin Duran gave the roll call with the following members absent: Councilman Sam Heflin and Councilman John Oakley.
Councilman Wayne Dunkin gave the invocation.
Councilman Wayne Dunkin made the motion to approve the work session minutes of Tuesday, April 18, as presented. Council-man Tommy Perry seconded the motion. The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Wayne Dunkin made the motion to approve the previous minutes of Tuesday, April 18, as printed. Councilman Tommy Perry seconded the motion. The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Wayne Dunkin made the motion to approve the agenda as written. Councilman Tommy Perry seconded the motion. The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Tommy Perry made the motion to approve the following bills for payment by the Town Council:
AGRI-AFC Sewer (G.O.)-maint. Supplies weed control $382
ADAPCO Mosquito Spray Materials $4,908.42
Agriliance-AFC Maint. Street Dept weed control $360
ALA Chiefs Police Chief's Conference May 24-26 $175 Aramark March 2006 Munic Bldg Mat Service $117.75
Cook's Pest Control Munic Bldg-fire ant control/interior as needed $ 35.00
Cook's Pest Control VPCC/Concession/Shop/Library/Fire Stations $130
Cowin Equipment Backhoe-maint. and parts $184.10
First American Bank June 2006 Library Payment $955.07
Halbrooks Welding Bushhog &Brush Truck-welding work $403.00
Huntsville Tractor Kubota Bat wing spring $36.71
Lang's Sporting PCRA 2006 Baseball/Softball Supplies $5,000
O'Reilly Auto Parts Maint Kubota Tractor parts $71.62
Jim Gray One Page Ad Directory Eastern Stars $75
Paul Spicer Travel Expense AuburnConference $79.22
Petty Cash
P1844-1847 invoices $237.14
Priceville Wastewater Sewer Services Municipal Bldg $20
Priceville Wastewater Sewer Services Fire Station 1 $20
Priceville Wastewater Sewer Services VPC $20.80 Temple, Inc.
67/Deere and 67/Bethel-redlight repairs/bulb $295.70
Tillman Plumbing Refund Building Permit (sewer permit) $6
Unity Commun.PVFD pager service $139.50
Lanier Ford Shaver Court-March 2006 Prosecution $1,030.90
Linda Duran Reimburse Concession Supplies $66.00
Hartselle P.D. Court-feeding of prisoners $50
Spenco Fuel Fuel 4/01/2006 4/15/2006 $992.54
Retirement SystemsApril 2006 Retirement $3,412.69
Peiraf-Defferred April 2006 RSA 1 Payroll Deduction $100
Lanier Ford Shaver General Matters through 3/31/06 $52.50
Jack's Floor Service April 2006 Munic Bldg Cleaning $860
BCBS April 2006 Health Insurance $3,918.81
ALA Peace Office April 2006 Payroll Deduction $40
ALA Dept. Revenue April 2006 State Tax $1,540
ALA Child Support April 2006 Payroll Deduction $487.00
Priceville High FY 2006 Yearbook Ad $150
Ed Smith Office Police-typewriter ribbons $41.94
ITC DeltaCom Library-phone Service $103.59
ITC DeltaCom Maint Shop-phone service $63.21
ITC DeltaCom Munic Bldg-phone service and Internet $759.89
Joe Wheeler EMC Sewer (G.O.)-Marco Drive $21.87
Joe Wheeler EMC Sewer (G.O.)-Terrace Pump Station $24.07
Joe Wheeler EMC Sewer (G.O.)-Cave Spring Pump Station $33.23
Joe Wheeler EMC Sewer (G.O.)-Branch Road $274.63
Joe Wheeler EMC Sewer (G.O.)-North Park $35.24
Joe Wheeler EMC Sewer (G.O.)-Pine St. $186.05
Joe Wheeler EMC Sewer (G.O.)-Burningtree Meadows $124.97
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Street Lights $2,344.81
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-school zone $2.88
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-school zone $3.04
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Interstate West Lights $447.60
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Interstate East Lights $434.69
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Traffic Signal-Interstate $78.85
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Traffic Signal-Interstate $60.90
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Traffic Signal-Deere/67
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Traffic Signal-Bethel Rd/67 $55.17
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Fire Station 2 $51.56
Wheeler Basin Gas Utilities-Fire Station 2 $74.04
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Municipal Building $1,280.45
Wheeler Basin Gas Utilities-Municipal Building $796.40
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Library $217.67
Wheeler Basin Gas Utilities-Library $26.49
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Veterans Park Community Center $177.48
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Veterans Park Ball Field $628.95
Wheeler Basin Gas Utilities-Maint. Shop $92.72
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Maint. Shop $66.07
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Fire Station 1 $89.30
Wheeler Basin Gas Utilities-Fire Station 1 $161.16
Wachovia May and June 2006 Munic. Bldg Payments $35,965.38
Linda Duran P&R-concession stand supplies $26.36
Court Corrections Court-Feb-April 2006 court collections $5,714.50
Hartselle Police Court-April 2006 prisoner expense $350
City Wholesale P&R-concession stand supplies $535.90
Mark Rittman Sewer (G.O.)-April testing/operator/samples $450.57
City Tech Sewer (G.O.)-Utility software support $360
City Tech Court-court software support May-July $105
ACE Hardware Sewer (G.O.)-materials for Terrace Pump Station $3.39
Jim House &Assoc. Sewer (G.O.)-Terrace Pump Installation $19,283.00
N.E Morgan Co. Sewer (G.O.)-Pine St. Pump Station $13.26
Pugh, Wright, Assoc. Bridge Inspection March 2006 $414.76
N.E. Morgan Co. Utilities-Fire Station 1 $13.26
N.E. Morgan Co. Utilities-Fire Station 2 $13.26
N.E. Morgan Co. Utilities-Municipal Building $13.26
N.E. Morgan Co. Utilities-Municipal Building Irrigation $289.71
N.E. Morgan Co. Utilities-Veterans Park Community Center $109.29
N.E. Morgan Co. Utilities Gazebo Irrigation $13.26
N.E. Morgan Co. Utilities-Wheeler Center Irrigation $13.26
Melvin Duran N. ALA Mayors Meeting Travel Expense $40.02
TVW Electrical Library/ Park/Fire Station 2-lights $154.73
O'Reilly Auto Hesston Tractor-materials $23.84
Holland Maint-Dept-fine sand $30
Dobbs Equipment Maint-weed eater/mower materials $178.06
D.B. Davis Fire Station 1-materials $21.58
Lowe's Co. Library/Munic Bldg/Maint Dept $354.80
Petroleum Sales Off Road Diesel $567.71
Decatur Engravers Police-Deweese and Reserve Larimore-pic badges $13
Fox Motor Co. Police-Wilbanks/Deweese Car Maint. $297.75
Fox Motor Co. Hesston Tractor-blower switch/AC repairs $143.85
Allied Waste Service Garbage Service-Veterans Park and Munic Bldg $268.09
Maples Ground Maintenance-April 2006 Munic Building $433.88
Maples Ground Maintenance-April 2006 Veterans Park $433.88
Maples Ground Maintenance-April 2006 Wheeler Center $433.88
Maples Ground Maintenance-April 2006 Library $93.51
Maples Ground Install Shrubs $162.00
Spenco Fuel Fuel Service 04/1-4/30/2006 $1,341.14
AlaTax April 2006 Sales Tax $492.50
TOTAL: $104,353.17
Councilman Wayne Dunkin seconded the motion. The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Tommy Perry made the motion to approve $5,000 for the Priceville High School Booster Club toward the purchase of weight equipment for Priceville High School (out of the FY 2006 Budget). Councilman Wayne Dunkin seconded the motion. The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Tommy Perry made the motion to approve $1,600 for book purchases for the Priceville Public Library. Councilman Wayne Dunkin seconded the motion. The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Tommy Perry made the motion to approve $250 for a full-page ad in the Hartselle Enquirer to congratulate the Priceville High School 2006 Graduating Class. Councilman Wayne Dunkin seconded the motion. The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Tim Crow made the motion to table Ordinance 2006-03: An Ordinance to amend ordinance 1995-01 and to levy a privilege or license tax against persons, firms or corporation engaged in the business of furnishing rooms, lodgings, or accommodations to transients in the Town of Priceville, Alabama or within its police jurisdiction; providing for the collection of the said tax; and providing penalties for the violation of this ordinance. Councilman Wayne Dunkin seconded the motion.
The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Wayne Dunkin made the motion to approve $1,693.80 for Sgt. Ron DeWeese patrol car for a new strobe light bar from Emergency Lighting. Councilman Tommy Perry seconded the motion. The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Wayne Dunkin made the motion to approve $500 for ammo for the Priceville Police Department. Councilman Tommy Perry seconded the motion. The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Tim Crow made the motion to approve travel expense for Micheal Bell to take the State of Alabama Wastewater Operator II Exam in Huntsville, Alabama Aug.1 ($125 voucher for exam). Councilman Wayne Dunkin seconded the motion. The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.