The regular bi-monthly meeting of the Priceville Town Council was held on Thursday, June 8, 2006 at the Priceville Municipal Building.
By Staff
Mayor Melvin Duran called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Kelly Dean, Town Clerk gave the roll call with Councilman John Oakley absent.
Councilman Sam Heflin gave the invocation. Councilman John Oakley arrived at 7:01 p.m.
Councilman Wayne Dunkin made the motion to approve the work session minutes of Thursday, May 25, 2006 (no quorum). Councilman Tommy Perry seconded the motion. The motion carried with a roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-yes, Councilman John Oakley-abstain, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Tommy Perry made the motion to approve the work session minutes of Thursday, May 11, 2006 as printed. Councilman Sam Heflin seconded the motion. The motion carried with a roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-yes, Councilman John Oakley-abstain, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Sam Heflin made the motion to approve the minutes of Thursday, May 25, 2006 (no quorum). Councilman Tommy Perry seconded the motion. The motion carried with a roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-yes, Councilman John Oakley-abstain, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Tommy Perry made the motion to approve the minutes of Thursday, May 11, 2006 as printed. Councilman Wayne Dunkin seconded the motion. The motion carried with a roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-abstain, Councilman John Oakley-abstain, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Sam Heflin made the motion to amend the agenda to include the following: table lodging tax ordinance, Priceville Volunteer Fire Department Addition Station #2, and Priceville Elementary School table and chairs. Councilman Tommy Perry seconded the motion. The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-abstain, Councilman John Oakley-abstain, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Tommy Perry made the motion to approve the following bills for payment by the Town Council:
Shelby Contracting – 4 cents-paving Greg, Tim, Benson, Lucy, Atkins $12,430.93
Shelby Contracting – 7 cents- paving Greg, Tim, Benson, Lucy, Atkins $13,115.06
Rick Williams Refund-payroll deduction ending April 2006 $243.50
PHS Booster FY 2006 Appropriation for PHS weight equipment $5,000
Tommy Perry League Convention Travel Expense $500.79
Wayne Dunkin League Convention Travel Expense $559.57
Decatur Utilities Fire Hydrant Rentals $45.83
Unity Comm. PVFD Pager Service $139.50
Black &Payne Concession Stand Air Conditioner Repairs $225.00
Sanitary Landfill Large Item Pick Up April 2006 $427.96
Aramark Monthly mat service Municipal Building $78.50
Billy Peebles Travel Expense Dept. Justice Meeting Montgomery $47.02
Linda Duran P&R-concession stand supplies $20.38
Linda Duran P&R-concession stand supplies $34.84
Wilson Supply Maint. Dept-gloves $180
Spenco Fuel Service 5/1-5/15/2006 $1,015.74
Priceville Wastewater Utilities-Municipal Building $20
Priceville Wastewater Utilities-VPCC $45.88
Priceville Wastewater Utilities-Fire Station 1 $20.60
Petty Cash P1848-1855 $551.42
Office Equipment Administration Office Supplies $390.44
Office Depot Munic Bldg Emergency Shelter additional chairs $467.87
Morgan Farmers Maint. Dept &Ball Fields ground maint. Supplies $289.09
Melvin Duran League Conv. Travel Expense $733.08
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Fire Station 1 $192.82
Wheeler Basin Utilities-Fire Station 2 $40.21
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Maint. Shop $70.27
Wheeler Basin Utilities-Maint. Shop $28.19
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-VPCC $193.13
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Ball Field Lights $676.68
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Library $214.03
Wheeler Basin Utilities-Library $24.80
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Municipal Bldg. $1,371.75
Wheeler Basin Utilities-Municipal Bldg. $21.40
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Fire Station 2 $56.43
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Fire Station 2 $29.90
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Traffic Light-Deere/67 $47.88
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Traffic Light-Bethel/67 $57.49
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-School Zone $2.88
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-School Zone $2.88
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Interstate Traffic Signal $56.65
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Interstate Traffic Signal $80.87
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Lights-Interstate $387.35
Joe Wheeler EMC Utilities-Lights-Interstate $383.05
Gulf States Police-ammo $434.00
Diversified Metal Priceville High School 12 picnic tables $6,132.00
Discount Auto Parts Maint/Mowers /Tractors /S10/ Gazebo/ Isuzu $260.34
Decatur Med Surg Dunkin-2 hep B vaccines $100
Cook's Pest Control Monthly pest service municipal bldg. $35
Cook's Pest Control Monthly pest svc-city buildings $130
Celco Maint Dept-Gatorade $99
Billy Peebles Police-reimburse film dev. &camera card $65.01
Baker &Taylor Library Books FY 2006 $1,497.62
Pepsi P&R-Concession Stand Supplies $432.00
Joe Wheeler EMC ewer (G.O.)-Marco Drive $19.96
Joe Wheeler EMC Sewer (G.O.)-Terrace $23.78
Joe Wheeler EMCSewer (G.O.)-N. Park $35.24
Joe Wheeler EMC Sewer (G.O.)-Branch Road $311.28
Joe Wheeler EMC Sewer (G.O.)-Cave Springs $34.37
Joe Wheeler EMC Sewer (G.O.)-Pine St. $247.14
Joe Wheeler EMC Sewer (G.O.)-Burningtree Meadows $124.97
Discount Auto Sewer (G.O.)-Terrace misc. parts $35.75
Joe Wheeler EMC Street Lights $2,719.81
Jack's Floor Service May 2006 Munic Bldg Janitorial $860
John Oakley ALM Convention Travel Expense $462.47
Linda Duran P&R-Concession Stand Supplies $151.66
BCBS May 2006 Health Insurance $4,170
Discount Auto Police-Davis misc. lights parts $80.65
Linda Duran Reimburse Sam's-Maint/Admin/ Police $247.53
Priceville H. School FY 2006 Appropriations-2 computers $1,202.36
Emergency Lighting Police-DeWeese Patrol Car Light Bar $1,720.30
ALA Peace Officers May 2006 Payroll Deduction $40
ALA Dept. Rev. May 2006 State Tax Withholding $1,471
Retirement Systems May 2006 State Retirement $3,267.86
Peiraf Comp May 2006 RSA-1 Payroll Deduction $100
Mark Rittman Sewer (G.O.)-May 2006 operator/testing/samples $597.40
Birmingham Elec. Sewer (G.O.)-repair to generator $986.62
Vulcan Materials Sewer (G.O.)-sewer tap rock $59.43
Billy Peebles Police-chief conf. travel expense $243.24
Hartselle Newspaper PHS 2006 Graduation Ad $ 250.00
TVW Municipal Bldg Lights $317.33
TVW Maint. Shop/Track/ Pavilion-lights $ 265.92
Paul Spicer4 Reimburse-camera, picture development, meal, Rx $34.21
Agri-AFC street dept.-ditch repair materials $322
Huntsville Tractor Maint Dept.-wood's finish mower blade $47.70
ACE Hardware Concession Stand lock on chalks room $9.99
Garnett's Lawn Maint Dept-sunshade for gravely mower $139
Black &Payne VPCC-a/c repair $108
ACE Hardware Park fence cement $14.76
Page' Sod Farm Bethel/Ashley Oaks ditch work $252
First American Bank July 2006-Library Property Payment $955.07
ITC DeltaCom Municipal Bldg.-Internet, phone service $758.99
ITC DeltaCom Library-phone service $103.59
ITC DeltaCom Maint. Shop-phone service $63.21
N.E. Morgan Co. Utilities-Fire Station 2 $13.26
Decatur Electronics Police-DeWeese installation Light bar $110
Decatur Electronics Police-DeWeese radio repai r $36.50
Maples Ground Maint Municipal Bldg-May 2006 ground maint. $433.88
Maples Ground Maint Marco Drive -May 2006 ground maint. $433.88
Maples Ground Maint Veterans Park-May 2006 ground maint. $433.88
Maples Ground Maint Library-May 2006 ground maint. $ 93.51
Maples Ground Maint Veterans Park Installation of Spring Annuals $2,087.00
Sam Heflin Travel Expense-League Convention $335.49
Pitney Bowes Postage Meter Rental $159.74
Fox Motor Co. Maint. Shop-S-10 maint. $127.18
Fox Motor Co. Police-Williams oil change $30.95
Fox Motor Co. Police-Wilbanks oil change $30.95
Fox Motor Co. Administration -Mayor service A/C $85
Fox Motor Company Police-DeWeese oil change $30.95
Fox Motor Company Maint. -Hesston tractor ac repair $474.00
Fox Motor Company Police-Davis oil change/rotate/balance/air filter/plugs $289.94
Councilman Sam Heflin seconded the motion.
The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-yes, Councilman John Oakley-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Tommy Perry made the motion to approve closing Monday, July 3, 2006 in observance for the Fourth of July. Councilman Wayne Dunkin seconded the motion.
The motion carried with a roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-yes, Councilman John Oakley-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-abstain.
Councilman Wayne Dunkin made the motion to approve moving the August 10, 2006 Town Council meeting to Tuesday, August 1, 2006. Councilman Tim Crow seconded the motion. The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-yes, Councilman John Oakley-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Sam Heflin made the motion to approve $10,000 for the Priceville Volunteer Fire Station #2 addition. Councilman Tommy Perry seconded the motion.
The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-yes, Councilman John Oakley-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Tommy Perry made the motion to approve $4,969.76 for the Priceville Elementary School to purchase tables and chairs for the classrooms. ($3,600 remaining FY 06 Budget and $1,369.76 out of FY 07 Budget) Councilman Wayne Dunkin seconded the motion. The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-yes, Councilman John Oakley-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Tommy Perry made the motion to approve $4,987 for the Priceville High School Band to purchase instruments. (FY 06 PHS Band Booster Club Appropriation) Councilman Wayne Dunkin seconded the motion. The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-yes, Councilman John Oakley-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Tim Crow made the motion to table Ordinance 2006-03: An Ordinance to amend ordinance 1995-01 and to levy a privilege or license tax against persons, firms or corporation engaged in the business of furnishing rooms, lodgings, or accommodations to transients in the Town of Priceville, Alabama or within its police jurisdiction; providing for the collection of the said tax; and providing penalties for the violation of this ordinance. Councilman John Oakley seconded the motion.
The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-yes, Councilman John Oakley-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Tim Crow made the motion to approve registration $410.00 (205.00 each), lodging $296.37 and other travel expense for Kelly Dean Town Clerk and Linda Duran, Deputy Clerk to attend the Master Municipal Clerk Academy in Tuscaloosa, Alabama August 9-11, 2006. Councilman Wayne Dunkin seconded the motion.
The motion carried with a roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-yes, Councilman John Oakley-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-abstain.
Councilman Wayne Dunkin made the motion to approve an additional $137 for Sgt. Ron DeWeese light bar. ($27 light bar and $110 installation) Councilman Tommy Perry seconded the motion.
The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-yes, Councilman John Oakley-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Wayne Dunkin made the motion to approve $100 for a CD burner for the Police Department. Councilman Tommy Perry seconded the motion.
The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-yes, Councilman John Oakley-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Wayne Dunkin made the motion to approve the purchase of a pair of pants $50 for Reserve Officer Clayton Hensley. Councilman Tommy Perry seconded the motion.
The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-yes, Councilman John Oakley-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Wayne Dunkin made the motion to approve registration $375, lodging $114, and other travel expense for Part Time Officer Herman Davis to attend the North Alabama Law Enforcement Colt AE-15/M-16 Armorer's Course July 18-20, 2006 in Sheffield, Alabama. Councilman Sam Heflin seconded the motion.
The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-yes, Councilman John Oakley-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Wayne Dunkin made the motion to approve registration $280.00, lodging $543.78 and other travel expense for Court Magistrate Linda Duran to attend the Alabama Municipal Court Clerk and Magistrate Conference July 26-29, 2006 in Birmingham, Alabama. Councilman Tommy Perry seconded the motion. The motion carried with a roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-yes, Councilman John Oakley-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-abstain.
Councilman Wayne Dunkin made the motion to approve $100.00 for the Norton Virus Protection for the Police Department Computers. Councilman Sam Heflin seconded the motion.
The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-yes, Councilman John Oakley-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Sam Heflin made the motion to approve Resolution 2006-02: A resolution to approve the 2006 MWPP Annual Report for the Priceville Wastewater System. Councilman John Oakley seconded the motion. The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-yes, Councilman John Oakley-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.
Councilman Sam Heflin made the motion to adjourn at 7:35 p.m. Councilman Tommy Perry seconded the motion.
The motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote of the following: Councilman Tim Crow-yes, Councilman Wayne Dunkin-yes, Councilman Sam Heflin-yes, Councilman John Oakley-yes, Councilman Tommy Perry-yes, and Mayor Melvin Duran-yes.