A look back
By Staff
Researched by Bill Stewart
July 13, 1956 -The Morgan County Maid of Cotton contest was won tonight by Marguerite Livingston. Other high-ranking contestants included Sarah Ann Thompson, Helen Howell, Rhona Howell, Betty Vaughn Cook, Jo Ann Penn, and Estha McLain.
July 13, 1956 -Martha Lynn Roberts and Betty Wagnon entertained a group of friends tonight in the yard of the E. R. Roberts home. Invitees included Joy Sue Gibson, Marilyn Pettit, Ann Hoffhaus, Ellen Allen, Monty Lindsey, Billy Lindsey, Bobby Dean Hargett, Bowes Channell, and Kenneth Alexander.
July 13, 1956 -Dr. and Mrs. Harold Blanton, newcomers to Hartselle, were the guests of honor this evening when a group gathered for a Dutch supper at Woodall's barbecue restaurant.
July 14, 1956 -Betty Palmer, who is attending summer school at Auburn, is spending the weekend at home.
July 15, 1956 -Max and Tom Merrill were in Nashville and Bon Aqua, Tenn., today visiting friends and relatives.
July 16, 1956 -The price of homogenized milk in Alabama is currently fixed at 25 cents per quart by the state milk control board. It is against the law to sell it for any more or any less.
July 17, 1956 -Scotty Stone has received his discharge from the Army and returned to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stone, Jr., today. Scotty will be associated with his father in Stone Bro. Lumber Co.
July 18, 1956 -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Street entertained a number of relatives with a steak supper in their yard tonight.
July 18, 1956 -Hartselle police have found two gangs composed of youths that lurk in the backstreets and under cover in the town-often late at night.
July 19, 1956 -J. O. Blizzard, Hartselle agent for the State Farm Insurance Co., will move his office to 120 South Sparkman Street in the near future. He will share space with Dr. James S. Martin, optometrist.
July 19, 1956 -Doris Whetstone has returned to Hartselle after having attended a youth advancement meeting held at Camp Fletcher near Bessemer.
July 19, 1956 -Rev. E. M. Barnes and family left today for Lake Junaluska, N.C., where they will enjoy a week's vacation.