Falkville Town Council
By Staff
June 13
Present: Ronnie Thomas, Larry Madison, Chris Free, Bennie Weaver, Arthur Orr, Rene Stiles, Mary Kay Braddock, Belinda Ealey
Mayor Jimmie Walker called the June 13, 2006 town council meeting to order.
Roll Call
Fowler, Present
Thompson, Absent
Stiles, Present
Walker, Present
Edmondson, Present
Wilson, Absent
Approval of the May 2, 2006 council meeting minutes
No discussion. Edmondson moved for approval of the May 2, 2006 council meeting minutes. Second by Fowler. All voted yea. Motion carried.
Approval of the June 6, 2006 work session minutes
No discussion. Stiles moved for approval of the June 6, 2006 work session minutes. Second by Edmondson. All voted yea. Motion carried.
Motion to reschedule July meeting to July 11, 2006
No discussion. Edmondson moved to reschedule the July council meeting to July 11, 2006 at 6 p.m. due to holiday. Second by Stiles. All voted yea. Motion carried.
Motion to appoint Bud Davis to Park and Recreation Board
Fowler read recommendation from council person Bonnie Thompson. Fowler moved to appoint Bud Davis to Park and Recreation Board. Second by Stiles. All voted yea. Motion carried.
Purchase of Bullet Proof Vest for Police Department
Edmondson moved for the purchase of eight bullet proof vests for police department. Second by Fowler. All voted yea. Motion carried.
Resolution No. 2006-10
Surplus Property
Fowler moved for approval for Resolution No. 2006-10. Second by Stiles. All voted yea. Motion carried.
Bennie Weaver, on behalf of the Falkville VFW, presented the Police Department and the Fire Department with donations in the amount of $250. He also announced Kid's Day on June 18, 2006.
Mary Braddock presented Matt Stiles with the President's Service Award.
Arthur Orr introduced himself to the audience.
Department Reports –
Fowler -No report.
Stiles – Reinforced Arthur Orr. Announced that citizens should expect increases in water and sewer rate by the fall.
Edmondson No report.
No further business to come before the mayor and council Stiles moved and second by Edmondson for adjournment.