A look back
By Staff
Researched by Dr. Bill Stewart
July 20, 1956 -John Burleson, Hartselle's present mayor, and Troy L. Nunn, incumbent alderman, have told the Enquirer that they will be candidates for the mayor's office for the next term. The election will be on September 17.
July 20, 1956 -James E. Peck is in Auburn this week to attend the state beef cattlemen's association meeting.
July 21, 1956 -Guy D. Roberts has been elected to lead Young Democrats in the eighth congressional district. This is the official youth division of the Democratic Party of Alabama.
July 22, 1956 -Jack Kelley is the new butcher at Groover's Grocery. He has 20 years' experience in his line of work.
July 22, 1956 -Rev. Billy Stephenson began a revival at Bethel Baptist tonight. It will continue for seven days. Max Morris is leading an eight-day revival at First Baptist.
July 22, 1956 -M. H. Broom is in