Town of Falkville council, July 11, 2006
By Staff
Present: Billy Evans, Rene Stiles, Ronnie Thomas, Larry Madison, Belinda Ealey
Mayor Jimmie Walker called the July 11, 2006 town council meeting to order.
Roll Call: Fowler, present; Thompson, present; Stiles, present; Walker, present; Edmondson, present; and Wilson, present.
Approval of the June 13, 2006 council meeting minutes
No discussion. Edmondson moved for approval of the June 13, 2006 council meeting minutes. Second by Stiles. All voted yea. Motion carried.
Approval of the June 27, 2006 work session meeting minutes
No discussion. Fowler moved for approval of the June 27, 2006 work session minutes. Second by Edmondson. All voted yea. Motion carried.
Resolution No. 2006-11
Amendment to Medical Protocol. Thompson moved for approval of Resolution Number 2006-11. Second by Edmondson. All voted yea. Motion carried.
Request from Falkville High School for funding
Fowler moved to give the Falkville High School a $1000 appropriation to be applied to purchase of security lights. Second by Thompson. All voted yea. Motion carried. Mayor Walker announced the budget would be reviewed at a later date to see if there were any other funds available.
Request from Fire Department to pay invoice – Postponed until the next meeting.
Department Reports –
Fowler. We are working on the next budget.
Thompson – Thompson moved to appoint Anthony Bradford to the Park and Recreation Board to replace Keith Collum who had resigned due to work conflicts. Second by Edmondson. All voted yea. Motion carried.
Stiles – We do not have anything definite on rate increases at this time.
Edmondson – No report.
Wilson – Wilson moved for approval for the town to pay registration fees for any council member to attend the CMO program on the newly revised license fees which will go into effect in two years. Second by Stiles. All voted yea. Motion carried.
No further business to come before the mayor and council Stiles moved and second by Thompson for adjournment.