Everyone makes mistakes
By Staff
Leada Gore, Editor
There’s a series of dubious awards handed out each year known as the Darwin Awards. In short, they are given to people - usually crooks - who do dumb things, such as leave their driver’s license at the bank they are robbing.
I’m not sure why they are referred to as the Darwin Awards, other than they are named to Charles Darwin and his theory of survival of the fittest.
These people aren’t so smart and therefore are probably slipping down the food chain even as we speak.
Experts call this theory “culling the herd.”
I wouldn’t go that far. Culling the herd seems a little severe. After all, we’ve all done those dumb things we wish we could take back.
For example, I was dining at a nice restaurant once with some important local leaders. The waiter took our orders and I chimed in “I want a Caesar salad - with blue cheese dressing.”
Now, I know Caesar salads are named Caesar salads because they have Caesar dressing on them. I was not raised in a barn. For some reason, however, all my knowledge slipped out of my head and the dumb part came out of my head.
Or, there was the time I was walking through a parking lot with the president of a large local hospital.
We were headed to the car when, for some reason, I decided to just miss the curb. One minute we were talking and the next minute I was face down on the concrete. I don’t care who you are - or how cool you try to be - there is nothing professional about picking gravel out of your knees.
To this day, I try to avoid this man whenever I see him.
All of this came to mind just last weekend when my dad called me. I could tell the second he said hello that something was up. He was laughing, a hard kind of laugh that makes your words come out rather choked.
He proceeded to tell me a story about how he was in a drive-through lane at a fast food restaurant. He was behind a car with two ladies inside. They placed their order at the speaker and then, for whatever reason, tried to stick their money into the order box.
They quickly realized what they were doing and started laughing. Dad started laughing, too, as did the woman working the drive through at the restaurant.
I hope these women got a good laugh from their mistake. I hope they weren’t too embarrassed. After all, I’m sure even Darwin made mistakes every now and then.