Here’s to the best political slogan ever
By Staff
Leada Gore, Editor
Just when you thought you’d heard the last of gubernatorial candidate Loretta Nall, she’s back.
As we’ve covered in a previous column, Nall is the Libertarian candidate for governor. She concedes she doesn’t have much of a chance to get elected, but figures a couple of lines of publicity is worthy of being considered as a consolidation prize.
Earlier in her campaign, Nall had a web site that offered visitors a peek at her ample “assets” in return for a campaign donation.
I don’t know how much money she collected, but the stunt sure garnered her some attention.
Now, Nall’s story is all over the national news, thanks to a new campaign slogan she’s touting.
(Warning: While not obscene, Nall’s slogan is pretty tasteless, so read on at your own discretion.)
According to the Associated Press, Logan is sporting a T-shirt of her clad in a low-cut dress to display lots of cleavage. Underneath her photo are the words “More of these boobs.” Then, there are photos of her opponents for the governor’s office – Republican Bob Riley and Democrat Lucy Baxley. Under their photos, her shirt says “And less of these boobs.”
This catchy little phrase has landed Nall, who also campaigns on things such as not complying with the Patriot Act and the legalization of marijuana, on the front of at least one national website and some newspapers, too.
Of course, the attention paid to Nall has spilled over to Alabama, too. And it’s shown us something about how we view politics in today’s society.
In this statewide election, we’ve had terms like “liberal,” “trial lawyers” and “insurance executives” spewed out as if they were profanities. We have homespun commercials showing candidates playing the piano in church, coaching their child’s little league team and taking long walks through the countryside with their immaculately dressed, oh-so-perfect family.
We have Big Luther and Little Jim. Gov. Bob Riley and plan 2010 and Lucy Baxley and anything that might put a chink in his armor. We have opponents calling each other “loansharks,” “crooks” and questioning everything from where they spend their money to their parentage.
Of course, each candidate describes themselves as pillars of the community and happily married for at least 20 years, with a overwhelming desire to do nothing more than serve their fellow man.
And, to top it all off, we have Loretta Nall. The amazing part is, if you compare her slogan with some of the others out there, you realize it may be the least smutty one of them all.